x. revelations and sing alongs

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x. revelations and sing alongs

he had to admit, being on solid ground was much better than being underwater. the fish centaurs were cool, and their brownies were even better, but it was nice feeling the hot sun instead of feeling cold. with a new set of clothes and dry hair, gale was feeling better than he did underwater.

the crew had gathered on the quarterdeck for a celebratory breakfast— except for coach hedge, who grumbled that the atmosphere was getting too cuddly for his tastes and went below to hammer out some dents in the hull. while leo fussed over his helm controls, hazel and frank related the story of the fish centaurs and their training camp.

while they were talking, arcana and gale were whispering to each other, though the others were so engrossed in hearing the story that they didn't even notice.

"we're lucky you guys returned when you did," arcana whispered to him. gale swallowed his brownie before he turned to her. "i'm not sure we would've made it out if you stayed down there longer."

that caught his attention. "what do you mean? what happened?"

"the minute you got slapped into the ocean was when things got dicey," arcana explained. she glanced around the table to make sure no one else was listening when she continued, "well, percy looked like he was gonna drown all of us and the ship, and jason looked like he was about to summon a storm himself and sent us flying into a mountain, and then they started to argue and—"

"cana, i love you," gale started, going for another brownie, "but i'd rather not hear about their little bro brawl they're having right now. i refuse to be in the middle of that."

"you know what? valid," she said. "i wouldn't either if i were you."

"you see the vision?"

"i see the vision."

"incredible," jason said. "these are really good brownies."

"that's your only comment?" piper demanded.

he looked surprised. "what? i heard the story. fish-centaurs. merpeople. letters of intro to the tiber river god. got it. but these brownies—"

"i know," frank said with his mouth full. "try them with esther's peach preserves."

"that," hazel said, "is incredibly disgusting."

"pass me the jar, man," jason said.

percy, for his part, wanted to hear every detail about the aquatic camp. he kept coming back to one point: "they didn't want to meet me?"

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