xi. iris messages gone wrong

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xi. iris messages gone wrong

r.o.f.l seemed nice enough, in gale's honest opinion. the flute music was soothing in a way, a nice change of pace to how chaotic the last few hours had been. the vibe of the store was nice, and he really liked the wind chimes, but even if he liked the store, he couldn't help this feeling he had while walking through it. why would iris want frank? it wasn't a jealousy thing, of course, frank was his friend, but gale has known of his godly lineage for almost 13 years, and he knew that one of the mysterious gods wanting to talk to you, you were either in some deep trouble, or they either wanted to pat you on the back and say, "buckle up kid, stuff's about to go down," so, yeah, gale was a bit nervous. he couldn't worry about that now, though. whatever iris had to talk to frank about, he was sure frank could handle it.

his grip tightened on percy, who was leaning on him again, as they followed fleecy through the store. his chin was rested on gale's right shoulder, his eyes drooped tiredly like he was gonna fall asleep right there and then. he wasn't that heavy at first, gale guessed the legion training helped out a bit, but percy's weight was starting to take a toll on gale's limited strength. that didn't matter though, not to gale. he was determined to get percy all the way there, where he could rest and drink this green tea stuff that should help with this memory sickness.

"just a little longer, percy," gale reassured, holding the son of neptune tighter. "i hope."

"thank you," he replied slowly, it was the first thing he had said without messing up his words ever since he entered this daze. maybe the effects of the memory sickness were taking less of a toll on him, though he definitely still needed that tea iris was talking about, if it weren't for gale, percy would've fell on his ass by now. gale smiled in response, and he could feel his heart beating a mile a minute.

fleecy led them towards the back of the store, where there were a couple couches, chairs and tables. it looked like a break room, yet at the same time it was like a supply room. there were crystal balls that lined the shelves, crystals placed on the counter, and cabinets filled to the brim with products for resupply. the smell of lavender hit gale's nostrils, and the flute music softened in the background.

"make yourself at home!" fleecy said cheerfully, smiling wide at she looked at her guests. "rest percy down, i'll go get the tea for your memory sickness, okay?"

gale nodded, walking over to the couch and gently setting percy down on the blue cushions with the crystal designs. he watched as percy slumped down on the couch, still somewhat in his daze, gale thought. he looked kind of adorable, though gale forced down the feeling. there was a time and place for everything, and this was not the time.

keep telling yourself that, gale thought. he had to force that down too.

arcana sighed, sitting down in a seat nearby the couch next to a table, hazel soon joining her. she spoke up, "so, should we be scared for frank?"

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