Chapter 6: A Punch

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"I'm being swallowed by this black hole we call affection

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"I'm being swallowed by this black hole we call affection."


"How about you teach me sign language and I compliment you every day?"

Chaeri kept looking at him, dumfounded, and Felix grinned at her astonished form. She scrutinized his expression: his small lips curved up by the sides, his eyes shining, and his eyebrows raised. 

After a brief moment of analyzation, she wrote down: Why? 

"I just wanna be of some use to you," he confessed, "I want to be your friend and understand you better." 

Nobody had ever said such a thing to her. 

For a moment, she strongly believed that she was still asleep, dreaming about such a scenario and deluding herself; feeling utter happiness and gratitude in vain. It was all just a made-up scenario, right? 

...All until Felix touched her shoulder to splash a wave of reality on her face. But this reality, surprisingly, felt good. She felt content. 

And so, she smiled. Probably the widest she had ever smiled. 

"So we're friends now?" Felix beamed, and Chaeri nodded vehemently. 

"I swear, I won't let you down," he said, "I promise.

He then pointed his pinky finger at her, and she kept up that smile while she linked her pinky finger with him, then realizing how small and cute his hands were. 

"Yeah, I know, my hands are small," Felix rolled his eyes in a joking manner, and she silently laughed when she wrote: Correction - tiny. 


From the other side of the class, when the students had begun to collect inside, a couple of girls had gathered at a corner and, in hushed voices, were gossiping about Felix and Chaeri while those two were having a moment. 

"Isn't that weird?" one of the girls said, pointing at them, "She can't even speak! How are they even able to communicate?" 

"I know, right?!" the other one said, "Too bad he can't speak Korean. Otherwise, I would have definitely wooed him." 

"Yeah! He's so handsome! And that little bitch gets to have him!" 

"Ugh, yeah! What does he even see in her?" 

"Those two weirdoes are better off together. What a match made in heaven! One can't speak, the other can't understand!" the two laughed loudly, making Felix and Chaeri turn to see what the commotion was about. When they realized that they were being pointed at, they turned back around with a slightly more conscious mind, making them feel insecure. 

"Look at them! Weirdoes," the second girl clicked her tongue. 


The two heard a bold voice two seats away from them, and they snapped their heads at the very womanly voice that had commanded them to cease. 

"Oh, of course! Samyraa, another weirdo," the first girl laughed at her fuming face. 

"Can you guys stop annoying and offending others? It's getting irritating now," the Indian girl, Samyraa, warned them. 

"Shut up, weirdo. Before you can point fingers at us, at least try to get to our level to whiten your skin!" 

"Back off," Samyraa threatened the two gossipers. 

"Or what? You'll feed us curry?" the second one offensively joked, making her friend laugh obnoxiously. 

"I'll feed you this," Samyraa said, and punched her straight in the nose. 

As the girl fell back on the ground, dragging a chair down with her, she landed with a thud and a scream, alerting the rest of the students in the chamber. Chaeri flinched at the loud sound, and Felix and herself turned on their chairs. 

"You bitch! What did we ever do to you?!" the injured girl's friend shrieked. 

Samyraa just scoffed, "Why, didn't you like the curry? And now that I've fallen at your level, doesn't that make my skin whiter, like you said?" 

"What's going on?" a few boys entered the classroom. 

"Oh, Chan's here! He'll manage this very well," Felix remarked, and Chaeri scrutinized the look on the popular Bang Chan's face: his eyebrows knitted in perplexity, his eyes narrowed, and his lips frowning. 

She watched as he walked up to the Indian girl and held her by her shoulders, asking her what went wrong. 

"She was trash-talking about the new boy and the girl with him, so I asked them to stop. And they had the nerve to insult me as well!" she explained agitatedly. 

"I'll call the teachers! I'll get you suspended!" the bleeding girl cried. 

"You want another one?" Samyraa swung her fist and the girls on the ground hid their faces, and Chan held her arm gently and told her to calm down. 

"Guys! The teacher is here!" somebody at the door shouted, and the two girls on the ground smirked. 

"I'm not afraid!" Samyraa proclaimed. 

And as the teacher walked into the room, the two gossipers ran to the teacher and complained, "Ma'am, please help us! That girl beat us up! See, Jina's even bleeding!" 

"What are they saying?" Felix asked Chaeri, perhaps done trying to understand the unfamiliar language. So she speedily wrote down what Samyraa said to Chan, and what the girls were complaining about. 

While that happened, the teacher sided with the two girls, and commanded Samyraa, "Go to the principal's office now! Bang Chan, take her!" 

Samyraa sighed, looking resigned, and as Felix read and understood the situation, he abruptly stood up and announced, "Ma'am, it wasn't only her fault!

Chaeri facepalmed. 

(a/n: since the chapter is getting too lengthy, I'll write the rest of the scene in the next chapter. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!! I love reading themmm) 

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