Chapter 13: Eye Contact

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"Your eyes remind me of the shooting stars; surreal, but enchanting

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"Your eyes remind me of the shooting stars; surreal, but enchanting."


"What do we do now?" Felix asked, once driven out of the classroom with Chaeri.

She moped, writing: I don't know, I haven't been kicked out of class before...

However, the Aussie chuckled, "Don't you worry! I have been, a lot of times."

She narrowed her eyes: why?

"I've never really been the best at academics, and I'm not an attentive student either. I would mostly be looking out of the window or doodling in my notebook."

Chaeri reminisced about how she was doing the exact same thing the day she met him for the first time; the same activities, very precisely.

She wrote: oh, god! I can relate so much!

"You do?!" Felix chirped, "Oh, my god! We're similar in so many ways, Chaeri!"

Without thinking, she penned down her fresh thoughts on the notepad: I love the way you call my name.

Felix read that and sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck, smiling uncontrollably, "Really, Chaeri? To be honest, I love your name. It's so pretty."

Chaeri blushed crimson, staring at the ground to avoid eye contact with him. She was too flustered to lock eyes with him, not having the courage at all.

That's when Felix took a bold step.

His fingers delicately caressed her chin, and gently lifting her face up to create an eye contact, he watched how her eyes slowly widened at the brave attempt he had made to just look into her eyes.

"If we're talking about things that we love, then I gotta tell you this: I love your eyes, and the way they gaze into mine."

Chaeri gulped, her heart beating wildly against her chest, practically threatening to leap out of her body. Breaths came rapidly to her, and for the first time, she felt like gazing into his deep, penetrating eyes and staying that way for the rest of her life.

If it hadn't been established already, she lacked the strength and confidence to stare into somebody's eyes — not even maintain an eye contact for more than two minutes. But now, all of a sudden, she saw herself coloring into the sparkle of his enchanting gaze. She never wanted to let go of that contact, as if losing that contact would seize her sanity.

That's when the school bell rung, signalling how the first slot was over. Their eye contact broke, and almost instantaneously, realization flooded in and made the two blush.

Students rushed out of their classes, and then came Bang Chan, sprinting out of the chamber behind them.

"Hey, are you guys alright?" he immediately questioned. Chaeri nodded, and Felix fumbled with his words, "Y-Yeah! We were just chilling!"

"You sound tense. Is everything alright?" Chan asked again. As Felix replied to him, Chaeri felt the need to write something down and show it to Felix.

She penned down her thoughts, and tapping on Felix's shoulder, she showed him the paper: you have stars on your cheeks, Lee Felix.

He smiled dazedly, but as soon as he turned to respond, she was gone.

"What happened? What did she write?" Chan was lost.

"Well, she's... adorable."

Chan raised a brow at that, "Uh huh?"

"I mean!" Felix turned to the other Aussie, "She tells me that I have stars on my cheeks, but she has no idea how she has them in her eyes."

"You think so?" Chan teasingly asked, and laughed when Felix groaned.

"Of course, I do! And what's wrong with that?"

"You have no idea where you're headed," Chan giggled.

"What do you mean?" Felix asked, perplexed.

"Felix, you're whipped."

He let out a little "pfft" and said, "No! No, I'm not."

Chan hummed along, "We'll see about that."

(a/n: yeeeee

Writing this at 1 am, sleeplessness go brrr

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