Chapter 11: Butterflies And Sunshine

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"In your glory of being a Canopus, I'll be the Carina to host you up

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"In your glory of being a Canopus, I'll be the Carina to host you up."


They say evading people's curious, mocking gazes is perhaps one of the toughest tasks to do, and it was true, that day, for Chaeri and Felix.

That poorly edited video, which had successfully fooled the quite underdeveloped minds of the students in their grade, was now viral across the school. And it had just been a day. Even Jeongin had gotten the video, and had been furious, to say the least.

However, the very next day, Felix decided that he couldn't let an offensive joke ruin his aura.

So, before Chaeri could even come to knock on his door, he dressed up for school and went to knock on Chaeri's door. However, the door was opened by Jeongin.

The boy was half asleep, his eyes almost closed shut and his hair pointing in all directions. He yawned, clicking his fingers in front of his face to snap himself awake.

Felix, knowing a bit more of Korean by now, smiled at greeted him, "Good morning!"

"Huh? Oh, you're Felix, right right," Jeongin mumbled to himself, throwing in another involuntary yawn into the conversation.

"Where's Chaeri?" Felix questioned, a tad scared that he'd piss off the sleepy boy.


"Um, your sister?"

"Ohh, Chaeri," Jeongin nodded, turning around and calling, "Noona! Flex is here for you!"

"It's 'Felix', but alright," the Aussie shrugged it off, and watched as Chaeri came running out of the washroom, adorned in a pair of jeans and yellow blouse, her hair still damp. Locks of hair stuck to her face, and she paused in her motions, seeing Felix waving to her at the door.

Jeongin, noticing in a daze how Chaeri was out of the washroom, fell on his bed and fell asleep in five mere seconds.

Chaeri and Felix looked at Jeongin, and then looked at each other. Then, the two started laughing.

Felix absolutely adored the way Chaeri smiled - it reminded him of butterflies and sunshine, of rainbows and colours, of dreamy sighs and satisfaction. As if her smile contained all the happiness he ever needed, and he had no idea where these thoughts were even coming from.

He stepped towards her, their laughter dying down gradually, and he couldn't stop himself from grinning widely at her.

Chaeri's eyes flattened into two slits, just a hint of those pretty eyes visible to him. Yet, there remained a lock of hair hiding one of her eyes, and he so wanted it out of the picture.

So, without a warning, his small fingers raised up to her face, and he gently removed the strands of hair, and tucked them behind her ear.

Chaeri's eyes widened, and Felix almost sighed in content at the way her eyes shined; as if stars - his beloved - were contained in those pretty, pretty eyes.

"You're gorgeous," he blurted out, and she gasped.

He had no idea how widely he was smiling, when Chaeri's face flushed red and she averted her eyes. That snapped him out of his little daze, and he blinked twice.

"Oh, uh, I mean-" he averted his eyes as well, looking everywhere but at her, "I-I told you that I'd compliment you every day and you'd teach me sign language, right? Let's start that?"

She looked back up at him, and his heart stopped at the sudden, tight-lipped smile she displayed. She gladly nodded, and a smile spread on his face immediately.

Chaeri then proceeded to extend her fingers and thumb. Then, she touched her fingers to her chin and brought her fingers forward. Felix copied the motion, and Chaeri searched for her little notepad to write: that means thank you.

"Oh!" Felix exclaimed, "Got it!"

And then he did the motion again, making Chaeri laugh.

Minutes later, they realized that they were getting late for school, and Chaeri was fiddling with the towel to dry her hair hastily. He watched as her long hair stuck to each other as she tried to rub them apart with her towel.

"Here, let me help," he extended his hands, asking for the towel, and Chaeri handed him the material tentatively, not wanting to bother him with the task.

But Felix gladly accepted the towel, and made her sit in front of her mirror. He watched as Chaeri sat timid, and changing his voice to that of a stereotypical hairdresser, he spoke, "Welcome to the Lee Felix salon, mi amor. Would you like the special treatment yet? It's free of cost for you, our exclusive customer!"

Chaeri soundlessly laughed, and Felix giggled adorably at that, as she caressed her hair delicately with the towel, wiping off the water dripping down the locks.

It almost seemed as if he was a professional with the task, for he smilingly rubbed the tips of her hair with the cloth, drying them off quite quickly.

"And you're done!" he spoke two minutes later, and Chaeri repeated the 'thank you' motion at him, making him chuckle.

"Maybe 'thank you' could be our 'always'," he laughed, and making her laugh, she shook her head, grabbing her bag and phone.

"Let's go!"

(a/n: okay so a late update again *nervously laughs and bangs head against the wall*

BUUUUUT did you like this? It's pretty cute, I'd say, because I was smiling the entire time hehe :D

Thanks for reading! I love you!)

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