Chapter 3

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I look up to meet the gaze of an emerald eyed boy with brownish-black hair and a classic California tan. Two guys, just as muscular as this one stand behind him. Obviously his posse. I roll my eyes..and here we go with the popular boys who think they're bad and go around making everyone's lives miserable. 

If I weren't so pissed, I might've admired his god-like body and face, but all I can see is red now. Literally, and figuratively. 

He glares at me, "Watch where you're going. You made me spill my drink."

I scoff, "You're kidding right? You're the one who walked into me. I'm literally right next to my locker."

"Listen here newbie. No one talks to me like that. Especially not some puny little girl with a bad attitude."

I laugh, "I'm the one with the bad attitude? Right, okay."

"Whatever," he turns to leave. 

I'm about to leave it alone, when I hear him mutter, "Bitch," under his breath.

Sophie grabs my wrist, "Don't mess with him."

I snatch my arm away and step in front of him quickly, anger pulsing through my chest. I snatch the cup in his hand that's still half full of red liquid and pour it on top of his head. He stares at me in shock and I say smugly, "Never call me a bitch. Or I might just act like one."

With that, I drop the cup in front of him and walk away, pulling Sophie and Carly along with me to the bathroom. I sit on the sink and Sophie gives me her sweatshirt while Carly washes the sticky liquid out of my hair. 

We all laugh and Carly says, "That was badass. I've never seen anyone stand up to Shade like that before."

"Shade?" I ask, "That's a weird name."

She chuckles, "Yeah, like Echo isn't."

"Can't argue with that." I shrug. 

They get me cleaned up and we all head to AP Chemistry together, we all have the same class. The teacher is really nice, and I sit behind Sophie and Carly by myself, but Mr. Humphrey lets me pull up my chair to sit next to them. 

His class seems to be a free for all, even though it's AP. I'm glad I don't have any classes with that Shade kid. I think I recognized his red head friend from my math class though. He didn't seem all that bad, but I guess you never know. 

After the bell rings at 2:30, I go straight to detention. Austin gets out of school at 3:30, and I was planning on walking him over to the high school for his 3:45 soccer practice, so I hope Mr. Bern lets me out in time. 

By the look on his face when I enter the classroom though, it's highly doubtful. 

"Take a seat right there. No talking. No going on your phone. You can only work on homework."

I'm the only one here, which makes sense I guess. Not many kids are racking up detentions on the first day of school. 

"But I don't have any homework," I say.

He glares from behind his glasses, "Then here, take this stack of essays from my sophomore english class and help me grade their summer essays."

I groan and take the stack of papers from his desk. "What time can I leave?"

"4:30." He says.

I sigh, deciding not to argue anymore. I don't want to risk another detention. I just hope Austin makes it to practice alright. At least I should be able to get there in time to pick him up at 5:15.

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