Chapter 24

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I wake up from a pillow being chucked at my head. I groan and open my eyes. Light floods into the windows, shining on three masculine faces standing by the door. 

"Wake up, we're bored," Nik states. 

I chuck the pillow back at him, hitting him in the chest, "Go away, we're sleeping."

I close my eyes again and put my head back down on Sophie's arm. 

Nik jumps on the end of the bed, laying on our feet and legs in the process. 

"Nik, what the hell?" I ask, sitting up. 

"You girls are all over each other. What were you three doing in here last night?" He asks, wiggling an eyebrow. 

I scowl at him and look over at the girls, who are now also awake and glaring at Nik. We somehow all made our way to one side of the bed, snuggling together, Sophie's leg draped over mine, her arm underneath me. Carly was laying on Sophie's stomach. 

"What about it? Girls snuggle when they have sleepovers. It's not weird." Sophie says. 

He shakes his head, "And you wonder why I only like guys. Girls are weird."

We make our way out of bed and downstairs. I tie my hair into a messy bun as I open the fridge, taking out the leftover pizza boxes for breakfast. We have some burgers in here that we ordered for lunch or dinner too but there's no snow on the ground, so we'll be able to go out. 

It had snowed a little last night, but now it's raining, melting away any traces of the small white flakes. 

"So much for going snow tubing," Sophie pouts, "We won't be able to go in the rain."

I frown, "Yeah it sucks. I'm sure there's something we can find around the house to do."

She nods, "I should make a quick grocery store run. Get some food in the house. Milk. Cereal. Eggs. Just a few things so we don't starve. Snacks too."

I nod, "Bring one of the boys with you. They'll help you get snacks."

"Good idea," she says, exiting the kitchen in what I assume is her going to find some company to bring.

After I eat, I take a hot shower and change into sweatpants and a sweater since it feels cold inside even with the fireplace on. I hunt for board games and find monopoly, a deck of cards, and clue. 

I set them on the couch and explore the storage closet. I find a dusty old television and a DVD player. Maybe they can pick up some movies at the store. I pick up the thick TV, my muscles straining and place it on the table in the living room. 

I'm not sure if it'll even work. I grab the DVD player and set it next to it. 

"Whatcha doing?" Shade asks, walking down the stairs, towel drying his hair. The hem of his gray shirt lifts up, revealing a sliver of skin. 

I look away to hide my heated face, "Just trying to see if this old TV works. We could watch a movie later if it does. Can you grab that wire over there?"

He helps me plug it in and we sit on the floor trying to get it to work. Gray static fills the screen before it turns to blue, thick green letters in the top left corner. 

"I think it works, we just need something to put on it," Shade says. 

I nod in agreement. I text the group chat telling them to grab some movies while they're at the store. 

When everyone gets back, we decide to play a game. 

"How about truth or dare?" Carly asks.

We all agree and Sophie starts, "Okay, um...Kev. Truth or Dare?"


She grins, "I dare you to go get some alcohol so we can make this a drinking game."

"I don't drink," Shade and I say at the same time. 

She smiles as Kevin gets up, "Then do the dares or answer the questions and you won't have to."

I shrug, "I guess so."

Kevin looks around at us, "Shade. Truth or Dare."

"Truth," he says, crossing his arms and leaning back against the couch. 

"What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?"

Shade instantly blushes, making me laugh. 

He opens his mouth but hesitates, closing it again. 

"Tell us," Carly says. 

He covers his face with his hand, "When I was eight, I peed in my bed. But I was still half sleeping, so I went to my brothers room to go sleep in his bed. Now, Harlow was 14 when this happened. So, I went into his room and there was a girl in his bed. I didn't know this when I went in there. So I climbed on top of his bed and laid down on top of her. She squealed and jumped, making Harlow wake up."

We're all laughing hysterically but Shade's face is bright red. He continues, "He yelled at me, she started freaking out, thinking our parents were going to come up and catch her in his room. She grabbed her clothes and shit and went out the window, Harlow was telling her not to go. But eventually she left and then I was just sitting there wide eyed wondering what the fuck just happened. Long story short, that's when Harlow started locking his door."

"I can't believe you peed in your bed dude," Kevin teases. 

Shade punches him in the arm, making us all laugh even harder. The game goes on for a few rounds. So far, Carly, Nik, and Sophie have had to drink at least once. 

"Okay. Echo. Truth or Dare?" Sophie asks, turning to me with a hiccup. 

"Truth," I say.

She thinks, "What is the worst childhood memory you have?"

I blink at her and my blood runs cold. I lick my lips and look away for a split second before looking back at her, "Dare."

She laughs once, "You can't switch. Just answer it. Or take a drink. It's not a hard question. Come on, you have to be able to think of something."

Thinking of something isn't the problem. I have an unlimited supply. The time my dad killed himself and I found his dead body. Or any of the times my mom has come home drunk. When my parents would fight. Or maybe when the police came to our door and had to explain to our family that my brother had raped and killed his girlfriend and was being brought to prison.

I shake my head, "I'm not answering it. Give me a dare."

I know I'm being stubborn. And bratty. And probably childish. But I came here for a fresh start. I'm not involving my new friends in all the shit in my life.

She smiles hazily and hands me the bottle, "Take a drink then."

Shade looks at me curiously, like he's trying to figure out what it is I won't tell. 

"That's peer pressure Sophie, it's fine. Just let her have a dare," Carly says softly. 

Sophie is too drunk to process what she's saying right now. She waves the bottle in my face and forces it into my hands, "Drink up Echo. Those are the rules. One sip. No baby sips either. A good sip. Or two if you're feeling spontaneous."

I stare at the bottle she forced into my hands. I promised myself I would never drink. I don't want to be like my mother. 

"You don't have to do it," Nik assures me. 

I don't answer, just stare at the bottle. I'm being silly, it's just one sip. I'm being a baby about this. I'm being stubborn. Not everything is about me and my stupid emotions. I agreed to play the game, and this was the game we agreed on.

I take a swig from the bottle. 


Don't give in to peer pressure kids lol

Next Update: 6/18/21

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