Chapter 32

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I can't get Austin's distressed voice out of my head as I rush into the house. He called me sobbing, saying his brother was here and he was trying to kill them all. I would've thought it was an awful prank if not for his trembling words and the shouts in the background. I told him I'd be right there as I dialed the police and got in my car. 

They were already there when I arrived. I was scared. More terrified than I've ever been before. All I could think about was Echo and the stupid stuff I yelled at her. God, I sweat I didn't mean any of it. Please be okay. 

I race past the cops who are dragging a black haired man out of the house. He curses and shouts at them. Is that their brother? I didn't know they had another brother. What the hell is going on?

My eyes instantly search for Echo. Their mother is sitting on the couch staring at the wall. There's a small boy crying in a corner. Where did he come from? Austin is crying on the counter while a cop tries to comfort him. When he sees me he lets out a sob and points to the floor beside the couch. 

My heart drops when I see her. Beaten and bloody, Echo tries to crawl on trembling arms. She starts coughing up blood before falling to her side. I rush over to her, panic gripping my every thought. I pull her into my lap, tapping her pale face softly, trying to get her to wake up. 

"Echo," I say nervously, "Wake up. Please. You need to open your eyes."

She groans in pain and I wish I could take away everything she's feeling right now. Her hands are covered in blood and her face contorts in pain as she opens her eyes weakly. I smile at her, my tears falling onto her face, "Hey Echo. You're okay. You're going to be just fine, okay? Don't you dare die on me. I won't let you. I love you. Please don't leave me. I can't lose you. I can't. Please. Stay. Stay with me."

"I love you," her trembling voice whispers. She sounds so broken, so empty. Her eyes roll back in her head and she goes limp against me. She's so cold. Too cold. Blood loss, I'm guessing. My heart drops into my stomach, devastated.  

I shake my head violently, "No! Echo! Stay awake! You need to stay awake! You can't sleep right now."

I cup her face in my hands, her skin ice cold to my touch. I shake her, feeling for a pulse. I sigh in relief when I find one. I scoop her up as gently as I can, cradling her to my chest as I run out of the house. An ambulance has just pulled up and I rush her over, "Help! Please! She needs help!"

They load her into the back of the ambulance and I ride with them to the hospital, watching the nurses try to save her life. Her pale body looks so lifeless on the bed. There's too much blood on her. She's losing too much blood. I know that even if she's okay, I'll have nightmares about this image right here for the rest of my life. It'll replay over and over. 

The next few hours pass by in a blur. I'm not allowed into her hospital room while the nurses are in there. I watch from the window as they hook up tubes to her. A nurse stays with me outside, filling me in on what they're doing. 

"They're draining the blood inside her, from internal bleeding. They need to get it out before they can give her new blood." She tells me in her attempt at a comforting voice. It doesn't work. 

"Won't that kill her?" I ask between tears.

She shakes her head reassuringly, "She'll be okay. Those are some of the best nurses and doctors in there with her right now. They're going to save her."

I nod, watching. 

Her radio beeps and she holds down on her earpiece, speaking to someone on the other end. After a few minutes, she clicks her earpiece off and turns to me. She says, "The police told me that her family is downstairs in the lobby. Derek, her brother, is being brought back to prison."

"Back to prison? He escaped?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "He was released on parole or some BS like that. The legal system sucks. He's a total nut case," she smiles softly. 

"What about her mom and younger brother? Where are they?" I ask her. 

She glances at me and sighs, "Do you know anything about her home life? Her relationship with her mother or maybe a step parent?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "Her dad died a few years ago. Her mom never remarried that I know of, I don't think she even dated. Echo and her mom argue sometimes, I know she drinks, so Echo takes care of Austin a lot. Why?"

She inhales sharply and looks at me sympathetically, "When the doctor examined her, she found a lot of bruises on her body."

I nod, "I know, her stupid brother is a sick motherfucker."

Her gaze softens, like she's waiting for me to catch on to something, "They weren't all from today. She has bruises all on her torso and thighs, all in various stages of healing."

I stare at her, "I...what...what are you saying?"

Although I think I already know the answer.

"Child abuse. There were a few bruises on the young boy too, but not near as many as Echo. And these were only a few hours old. I'll send him up here to be with you for now. We'll contact CPS in the morning."

My gaze snaps to meet hers, "You're going to send them away?"

"Echo's not 18 yet and she's not financially independent, they'll both need to be put under guardianship in the foster care system. Gabriel will be sent away as well."

This day just keeps getting worse and worse. But I'm not sure who the other kid is. How many brothers hasn't she told me about? That's not important right now. All that matters is that she's okay. 

I just nod weakly, "Send Austin up please."

She gets up and comes back a few minutes later. Austin runs up to me and throws himself into my arms. I pick him up and sit him in my lap, where he latches onto me tightly. His Harry Potter glasses smush to his face when he hugs me, tears drenching my shirt. I rub his back, "It'll be okay buddy. She's gonna be okay."

He just hugs me tighter. 

A few hours later, the doctor comes out. Austin is still on my lap, holding onto my arm like I'm going to leave. I won't though. I won't leave him. When Echo wakes up, the first thing she's going to worry about is Austin. 

She nods her head at me, motioning for me to get up to talk, away from Austin. I nod subtly and lift Austin up gently. He clutches my arm tightly, giving me sad eyes.

"I'm just going to talk to the doctor really quick. I'll be right back." I tell him. 

He holds his hand out to me, "Promise?"

I chuckle lightly and latch my pinky to his, his pinky just barely wrapping around my finger, "I promise."

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