Chapter 4

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My alarm goes off nice and early. Well, not nice. But early, for sure. 

I get dressed in another graphic tee and shorts, slipping on my combat boots. They're my favorite pair of shoes, obviously. 

I brush out my loose curls with some water so they don't get frizzy and I decide to leave my hair down. 

I didn't confront my mom last night about the alcohol I found in her hand that morning. I don't know if it's because Austin was hanging around us all night, or if it's because I want to pretend like it didn't happen. She seemed sober enough when she came home last night from looking for a job, so I didn't want to push a touchy subject. 

I wake up Austin to start getting ready before I leave the house, not trusting my mom to be responsible enough to do it. I make sure to leave the house early enough today, but I still make it to school with just 5 minutes to spare, quickly shoving my things in my locker and taking my seat in first period just before the bell rings. 

Sophie and I chat for a lot of the class while Mr. Bern teachers. Really it's his own fault for sitting us in the back of the room. Who am I to resist temptation? Besides, it's nice to have real friends. 

As the lunch bell rings after third period, Sophie, Carly, and I are standing outside my locker. 

"Hey," a voice says from behind us. 

We turn to see Shade's two goons. Both are built large and heavily muscled. One is pale with spiky orange hair and brown eyes. The other is slightly shorter with midnight skin and tightly curled hair. They both wear goofy smiles. 

The red head speaks first, "I'm Kevin by the way. This is Nik. You probably think we're jerks like Shade, but I promise we aren't. And neither is Shade, really. Once you get to know him, he's really nice, like a big teddy bear."

I raise an eyebrow, "So...what? You're apologizing on his behalf?"

Nik smiles kindly, "No, well, yes, but also we wanted to invite you to sit with us at lunch. Your friends can come too. No one's ever stood up to Shade like that before. We think you're pretty cool. It'd be nice to have someone at our table who can keep him in check and not let his ego flare too much."

I'm not sure if they're being serious. I don't think I want to sit at a table with Shade though. He definitely hates me, even if we made a truce last night...sort of. 

"Wow, a lunch invite, it sounds like such an honor to sit with you," I say sarcastically, then I shake my head, "I don't think Shade would be okay with that."

"Who cares what Shade thinks? He can deal with it. We're basically his only real friends and we want to be friends with you, so he'll have to suck it up if he wants anyone to hang out with at this school."

I laugh awkwardly, "I don't know if that's such a good idea."

Carly tugs on my arms and whispers, "Please let us sit there, just for today?"

I'm not sure why she wants to sit with them so bad, but she sounds so desperate. She's looking at Kevin with big eyes and a soft smile. I don't want to mess up an opportunity for them to sit with the 'popular' kids, but I don't want to make lunch awkward for Shade. 

Sure, I hate his guts, but I don't want to steal his friends away. I don't want to be that person. 

Kevin seems to sense I'm going to say no because he wraps me in a bear hug and picks me up, spinning me around, "I'm not putting you down until you agree to sit with us."

I laugh, "Okay, okay. Fine. Just for today though, okay?"

He puts me down and we follow them into the cafeteria. They lead us to their rectangular table in the back corner. 

Shade is sitting with his feet up on the table, tossing a handball in the air, but he drops it when we walk over. His face falls, "What the hell are you doing here? Go away."

Kevin scowls at Shade, "We invited them to sit here. She's cool, we want to hang out with her. "

Shade shoots daggers with his eyes towards Kevin but after a moment, he huffs and looks away. We sit down, Kevin across from Shade, me next to Kevin, and Sophie next to me. Nik sits next to Shade, and Carly sits across from Sophie. 

We make friendly conversation, and the boys are actually really nice. Shade practically glares at the wall the entire lunch, not saying a word. They ask where I moved from and if I liked it better here. They tried to ask about my old life. Friends. School. I gave short answers about my old life and changed the topic.

I asked about sports and things to do around here. They tell me that the football games are a big thing here, but they don't normally go all that often. Apparently, Nik's parents are loaded and are almost never in town, so they hang out in his basement a lot, playing video games and watching movies and such. 

When the first bell rings for fourth period, we all get up and head to our classes. I actually enjoyed sitting with the guys at lunch, but I'm not sure we'll be invited to sit there again. Not with the way Shade was pissy all lunch. 

I sit behind Sophie and Carly again at the empty science table. The teacher doesn't let me pull up a chair today because he says we're going to be working today and we need to stay 'focused'. I relent, not wanting to earn myself another detention. 

Just before the bell rings, another student walks in, but I don't look up, too engulfed in my conversation with Carly and Sophie. 

I hear the teacher say, "You can take that empty seat right next to Echo." followed by a loud groan. I look up and stop smiling. 

It's Shade who's just walked into the room. He now sits down next to me, pulling his seat as far away from me as he can. I roll my eyes. Could he act any more like a child? Even Austin is more mature than this. 

Of course he's in my class. He had said he missed fourth period yesterday. I don't know why I didn't put two and two together. 

The teacher starts talking, starting the lesson. Shade doesn't face me as he says in his smoky voice, "I didn't appreciate you sitting with my friends at lunch today."

I'm about to make a snide remark about how it wasn't really my choice but he continues, "But...they seem to really like you, for some odd reason, and who am I to get in the way of that. So, I'm willing to put up with you if you are your friends would like to continue sitting with us."

I roll my eyes, "Wow, you're willing to tolerate me? How nice, I'm sure girls fall at your feet around here when you say that to them."

His head snaps to me, "You know, I was trying to be nice. You should try it sometime."

"Really? I bet Kevin and Nik made you say that to me." I fold my arms. He doesn't deny it, just looking back up to the front, "That's what I thought."

He mumbles something under his breath and I say, "Sorry, I didn't hear you over my internal hope that you would stop being such an assh-"

"Miss Frost and Mister my teaching interrupting your conversation?" Mr. Humphrey asks us. I hadn't realized the whole classroom get quiet.

We both mumble quick apologies and he nods, "Thank you, now pay attention please. Both of you."

We don't speak for the rest of the period, only occasionally sighing or rolling our eyes at each other, exchanging hateful glances at each other. When the final school bell rings, he's the first out of his seat. 

And everyone says girls are the bitchy overdramatic ones. 


QOTD: Has someone ever gotten on your nerves so badly you wanted to smack them?

>> My sister and I fight a lot, I've definitely wanted to put her in her place more than once lol

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