Chapter 35

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12 years later

I lay in the hospital bed, hooked up to the tubes and machines. I'm tired and exhausted. Two balloons sit at the end of my bed. I sigh.

Shade is asleep in the chair next to me. He jolts awake when the door opens and a nurse walks in smiling. 

She's carrying a bundle of blankets in her arms and lays it down in my arms. I smile brightly. 

"What should we name her?" I ask Shade. He looks down brightly at our new baby girl. She has gray eyes with bursts of green around her pupils. She's beautiful. 

He holds her tiny hand and beams at me, "You pick. Since I got to pick the last one."

I smile and nod, "Yeah you shouldn't even have gotten to do that. I don't recall your uterus being stretched for 9 months and shoving a head out of your vagina."

He holds up his hands, "Hey it's not my fault I don't have a vagina! Besides, we agreed I get to name the boys and you get to name the girls. There'll be plenty more if you want to name the boy next time."

I smile at him and place a kiss on my babies forehead. I think over my mental list, 
"What do you think of Briar? Briar Lyn Winthrow."

He smiles, "I like it."

The door opens and toddlers rush in followed by Sophie, Carly, Kevin, Nik, Gabe, Gabby, and Austin. Carly and Kevin's 4 year old twins tackle each other before Kevin tosses James in his arms, pulling him away from his sister. They both have flaming red curls, like their parents. They're the cutest kids ever. After mine of course. Carly and Kevin got married right after we graduated high school and they opened a bakery. They had the twins a few years later. Carly's big belly pokes me as she hugs me hello. 

She's expecting their third kid any week now. I was excited when I found out we'd have kids at the same time. They'll grow up together and be best friends. We have it all planned out. 

The third toddler in the room tries to jump onto the bed but Shade picks him up, "You can't hug mommy right now bud. She's holding your new sister. Kai, meet Briar."

Kai is 3 years old. We had him 2 years after we got married. I became a therapist after college, and Shade went into law. He proposed to me in front of his whole office. It was really sweet. We had a small ceremony, it was nice and simple. I loved it. And I love Shade. And our two beautiful kiddos. I smile at my family. 

"Hey sis," Austin says, kissing my forehead before ruffling Kai's hair. 

Gabby's blonde curls bounce around her when she smiles at me, "Hey Echo! Congratulations!" She hold out a small bag. 

I open it and find a cute little dress and a box of pacifiers, "Thank you Gabby. That's really sweet."

She hugs me and when she pulls away, I glance at the ring on her finger. I smile at the memory of their high school graduation just a month ago. Austin had me help him plan it all out, despite my being 8 months pregnant. 

They're an adorable couple, I always knew they'd end up together. I knew it since they were little 6 year olds. 

"How's Jaggar, Nik?" I turn to him. Jaggar is Nik's boyfriend. They started dating 6 months ago. Jaggar travels a lot, so Nik's been going with him and getting to see the world. It's great really. He's gone to so many places and has showed us all pictures. 

"He's doing great. He went to Japan this week. I wanted to be here when the baby came so I stayed back this time, but next month we're going to Jamaica." He nods, tickling James and Lily, the twins. 

"How bout you Sophie? Any luck in the dating game?" Carly asks. 

She sighs, "No. My mom said if I'm married by the time I'm 32, she's going to set me up with 'a nice korean boy she knows'. God, please give me love so I don't marry some stranger!" She exclaims. 

We all laugh and she pouts, "It's so not funny. I'm going to be alone forever."

"You'll find someone," I assure her. 

We laugh and talk for hours, the kids playing, the adults talking. Gabe sits with Gabby and Austin, playing monopoly. My life is finally perfect. I finally have an amazing family and I'll be with the love of my life forever. I smile. How did I get so lucky?


Hey guys!! Thank you all so much for reading this story! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I know some parts could probably use some work, feel free to leave constructive criticism, but as always, don't me mean :(

I'm working on the sequel which'll be released soon! It's going to be from Briar's POV and boy do I have a lot planned muahhahaha

Share and vote please! Thanks!!!

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