Chapter 18

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On Friday night, Sophie and Carly come over before the party to help me get ready. Austin was all set up to go to a friends house and my mother was who knows where. What a surprise. 

"I don't know Carls," I say hesitantly, "Isn't this a bit overdressed?"

She shakes her head, "Of course not. Have you never been to a party before?"

"Nope. I haven't. And I don't think this is what people really wear." I say defiantly. 

"Yes it is, I promise." She says. 

I sigh, smoothing down the short black dress she put me in. It has a slightly curved neckline and spaghetti straps holding it to my shoulders. It's really tight, hugging all my curves and stopping just below my ass. 

I wrap my arms around my body, trying to cover myself up. I never wear things like this. Ever. I never really got to dress like a teenager, always wearing cheap clothes that could easily get washed with having a toddler making messes all the time. 

I shake my head, "I feel like I'm showing too much of my body."

Sophie says, "Stop it girl. You look hot. I wish I had a body like yours. You have curves in all the right places."

I look in the mirror, "Really?"

I had never really looked at my body closely before, not having time, or just not caring. I guess I looked alright. 

I sigh in defeat and she squeals, "Yay! Makeup time!"

I laugh as she puts some mascara on my eyelashes and clear lip gloss. When I look in the mirror, I like what I see. I almost look like a normal teenage girl. Putting on makeup, wearing tight clothes. I look like a regular girl. I can ignore all the shit for just one night and pretend to be a regular kid with regular problems. 

Sophie is rummaging through my closet and pulls out a gray t-shirt, "Ooo! Can I wear this?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "It's just a t-shirt. And I thought my clothes weren't cool enough to wear tonight. That's why you both brought half your closets for me to try on."

"But I didn't know you had this," she whines.

I chuckle, "A plain gray t-shirt?"

She nods, "It'll make a cute dress. I just need a belt and voila!"

"So let me get this straight. You stuck me in a short, tight, black dress. And you're going to wear...a t-shirt." I say. 

She gives me puppy dog eyes and I laugh, "Yeah go ahead I guess."

She slips off her clothes and puts the t-shirt on, grabbing one of my belts to put around her waist. It looks good on her, loose but form fitting at the same time. 

Carly already has on her black skirt and crop top and is slipping on her heels. I go to put on my sneakers but she shakes her head, tossing me a pair of black stilettos. 

"Carly, I can not walk in heels. I'm gonna break my neck," I whine playfully. It's true though, I really can't walk in heels. 

She crosses her arms and starts speaking quickly, "If you don't wear them, you'd have to change and you're already ready and you look so pretty and we're already late and we still have to drop Austin off on the way there and we-"

"Okay, okay," I hold my hands up in surrender, slipping the shoes on. 

She smiles brightly, "Yay! Let's go!"

I grab my phone and we head down the stairs. I hold onto the railing so I don't trip and end up in the hospital before we even get to the party. 

"Austin! Come on baby, time to go." I shout into the living room.

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