Chapter 47: The Mafia's girl

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Vienna's POV

"So Miss have a lot of explaining to do I guess" Samantha said with her hands folded, grabbing my attention.

"Yeah...I guess so too" I replied with an awkward smile.

There was a small moment of silence before she hugged me tight, taking me by surprise and as a reflex action I hugged her back a few seconds later.

Well I was expecting a lot of questions and also some rude accusations I guess...because duh I did hurt her brother and everybody knows that at least, if not what actually went through between us.

And though deep down I might expect her to cut me some slack considering that I'm not just her brother's girl but her close friend as well...but at the same time I also know that it's not entirely fair of me to expect her to do that because let's be honest, blood is thicker than water so obviously she'll side with her brother...well also because I'm at fault in this case.

Anyways, out of all these things, a warm, welcoming hug was surely the last thing I was expecting from her...not that I'm complaining rather I'm just pleasantly surprised.

"Where have you been all this time Vienna. You know I was so worried when I got to know that you were miss since three months" She said pulling away.

"Sam I just..." I trailed off not knowing what to say to her because I don't think I'm ready to share whatever happened with anybody except Ryan, yet.

I mean yeah Samantha is my close friend and I know she'll support me and comfort me in any situation and if this topic comes up again, some time in the future then I'll tell her whatever happened but not yet...I just don't think that I'm ready to share this personal information with anybody yet.

And honestly repeating it all...I mean explaining everything to someone all over again will just scratch up my raw wounds and only I know how hard it was for me to tell everything to Ryan as well...but at the same time I also knew that he needed and deserved to know it so I just had to do it no matter how much it hurt me.

"Vienna. Say something" Samantha said snapping me out of my dilemma.

"Sam you are a really close and good friend to me, you have always been...but I just don't think that I'm ready to..." I replied with a shrug.

"Ready to share whatever happened between you and my brother, right? It's fine Vienna, you don't have to feel guilty or beat yourself up for not telling me...I get it, sometimes some things are so personal that they need to stay between two people only" She said interrupting me, saying exactly what I wanted to tell her.

"But I'm just glad that you are back and safe" She added as all I could do was smile at her understanding nature.

"Sam, you are Ryan's sister and I think that somehow I owe not only you but also Grace an explanation...I have hurt not only Ryan but you all too and I promise that whenever I feel ready, I'll tell you guys everything" I replied with a reassuring smile.

"Okay" She said shortly with a small nod and a smile.

"But now everything's okay between you and Ryan, right" She asked.

"Yeah..." I nodded.

"Everything's fine" I continued.

Though I said that everything was fine between us but at the back of my mind I still had this insecurity that...was everything really fine now?

Somehow I'm worried that, what if whatever happened has changed Ryan's love for me?

I know he doesn't blames me for the loss of our baby...he said it himself, multiple times but I also know that he's hurt and knowing that I'm the reason of his pain is somehow making me insecure about our relationship.

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