Chapter 27: The first time we met

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Vienna's POV 


Holy crap!

"You gotta be kidding me" I mumbled to myself with my eyes glued to the familiar figure who just walked through that busy door.

"Oh my god! I'm out of here" Charlotte said in a low voice almost as a murmur but yet I heard it.

"Oh no no no you traitor, you came here with us and now you want to run away" Scarlett said grabbing her wrist to stop her from leaving for...well wherever she was planning on going.

"Scar this is all your fault, you brought us here. I didn't even want to come in the first place" Charlotte said pointing a finger at her twin.

"Oh me? Are you kidding me? Our plan was already cancelled. It was Vienna who dragged us here, not that I'm complaining" Scarlett replied as I felt like banging my head against a wall or something seeing them fighting like cats and dogs while there their brother is, probably looking for us and by the look on his face I can tell that he is anything but happy right now.

Oh god. This isn't good.

I didn't expect this night to turn out like this.

"Will you two stop fighting like cats and dogs" Samantha said while shaking her head at her sisters who still didn't seem to stop arguing.

Thank god, at least there's still someone with a sensible mind among us.

"Ryan is already here and if you two don't stop fighting right now then I'm leaving all three of you here to deal with him alone" She added.

And here I thought she was the sensible one among us...well thanks Sam, for proving me wrong.

"And I guess he is headed here" I said and it finally stopped Scarlett and Charlotte's argument, gaining all of their attentions.

"Wait what are you guys talking about" Luke asked, who until now was quietly observing the four of us blabbering.

"Oh shut up" All four of us said at the same time before looking at eachother surprised and then laughed.

"I see you guys are having a really fun time here, aren't you" Hearing the deep familiar voice, which somehow always manages to do weird and kind of funny things to me, I almost freezed on my spot.

Oh dear.

How is he even here?

I don't understand. He looked quite busy earlier which made me think that he won't come out of his study at least until midnight.

But all these things apart, how did he know that we are here?

"Okay I guess now I need another drink" I mumbled before gulping down the other two shots, earlier which I denied to have...but now I guess I'll be needing some.

"Whoa whoa hang on there" Ryan said coming by my side as I grabbed Samantha's drink too which was untouched until now.

"I think you have had enough for one night" He added taking the drink from my hand and tipping the shot glass to his lips, drinking the drink himself.

"And who are you" Drake asked raising his eyebrows.

"Her fiance" Ryan replied shortly, passing a smile which I knew for sure was fake.

Wait. What?


I stared at him wide-eyed.

"You are Ryan Ethan Knight" Luke asked or rather stated in a surprised tone.

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