Chapter 20: Until my last breath

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Ryan's POV

"Ryan please put me down" She said again in her sweetest voice.

But I know why you are using that sweet voice with me right now love and surely it would have worked like a magic on me only if the situation have had been different...but not now love.

I won't let you go.

"Sure sweetheart..." I paused reaching out to open the car's door before gently putting her down in it.

"Whatever you say" I continued with a grin which I know would surely piss her off.

"Ryan..." I heard her muffed voice since the door and the window were both closed. I walked around to the other side and quickly got inside too.

"Ryan I'm telling you if you don't let me go right now then I'll..." She paused glaring at me as if giving me a warning.

Well you don't look dangerous at all sweetheart. Rather you look too adorable while saying that.

"You'll what, love" I asked plainly as her lips slightly parted as if she was about to say something but then they closed again.

"Let's go Michael" I added to my driver before leaning my head back against the seat and closing my eyes, I sighed in relief.

For half of the ride she kept talking or rather should I say warning me about letting her go but I just remained calm and composed to her cute threats and I know that was really driving her crazy.

"How can he even be so calm and relaxed" I heard her murmur.

"I'm calm and relaxed because now I know that you are sitting right next to me" I replied without opening my eyes, and that's true I'm so relaxed and relieved now knowing that she's right by my side.

"Stop staring love, it's considered as bad manners" I murmured as I felt her constant gaze on me.

"Ryan don't you even think for a second that I'll let you relax like that while I'm going crazy over here" She said or rather should I say warned me.

"Oh trust me love nothing sounds more tempting than the idea of you 'not letting me relax'. But just to remind you, we have some company right now. So I'll take up your offer of 'not letting me relax' later" I replied with a smirk.

"And just so you know, even with my eyes closed I can tell that you are blushing right now" I added after a moment of silence between us.

"Shut up Ryan" She said in a low voice as after a moment I opened my eyes and peeked at her wondering why wasn't she saying anything, only to see that she was looking out of the window...which can also be phrased as she was avoiding looking at me.

I sighed.

Now I'm sure she won't say anything else at least until this ride lasts, I thought shaking my head with an inner chuckle before closing my eyes again.

But my relaxation didn't last too long as my phone buzzed in my pocket, it flashed David's name on the screen as I grabbed it.

"Yes" I said coming straight to the point without any greetings.

"It's a bad news man. There was a short-circuit back at the your room and study and since you weren't there so they both were locked so the guys didn't got to know about the short-circuit until it resulted into a fire" He replied as I sensed seriousness in his voice.

"What" I exclaimed in utter shock because just last month we got all the wirings checked just to make sure everything was running fine and in fact it was, so I don't think a short-circuit can take place unless someone has purposely done it.

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