Chapter 39: I'm sorry love

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Ryan's POV

"Ahhh. I-I swear Ryan, I have never even seen her in my life before...ahhh no no please please stop" Screamed the bald man, Benji, sitting on the chair in the centre of an empty room as Den who had his fingers entwined with Benji's, applied a little more pressure on his fingers towards the opposite side making him scream in pain as his fingers were almost on the verge of breaking.

"Ju-Just trust me man I'm not that stupid to try and kidnap your girl out of all the girls in the world..." He trailed off screaming as Den continued with his torture.

I sighed shaking my head before giving a short nod towards Den, indicating him to stop with his torture.

"He knows nothing. Such a waste of time" I murmured as David came and stood beside me.

"Yeah. And also we haven't gotten any leads from the other guys too" David replied as I sighed yet again in frustration.

It's been three nights since David got that call from Nancy and two days since I got to know that my Vie...that Vienna is missing.

So torturing the people we suspect is all we have been doing since two days but yet there's no lead...most of them claim that they have never even seen her in their entire life, which most probably is true because she spent all her life in Canada and this was the first time ever that she came to Russia.

And also during the time we were living together here, I made sure that she stayed away from all the prying and evil eyes in my business...we never went out much and then after she ran back to Canada to her hometown and I brought her back here, we went straight to my family's place so I guess these guys are being honest about not seeing her.

"Do you think Rogers is behind this" David asked as we walked inside my office.

"No. Why would Rogers do this...we cracked a deal with him" I replied walking around the work table before sitting on my chair.

"Yeah we did accept his deal but on our terms and only after he almost begged us to accept his deal or else the other mobs would have killed him because he didn't have enough money to pay them back. So maybe deep down he is holding a silent grudge against you" David said and whatever he said did make a bit of sense but Rogers wouldn't dare to go to such extends just because I stalled his deal.

"No David. Rogers is not brave enough to do such a thing" I replied with certainty.

"Did your guys found anything" I asked.

"No. Not yet" He replied giving a slight shake to his head in denial as I sighed before hopping out of my chair and walking towards the huge glass window which gave the amazing view of the busy streets of Russia, which today, were not as busy as they were on the week days.

"Where are you love" I whispered taking a deep breath, tiredly closing my eyes for a moment.

I don't know where and in what situation you are...all I know is that it's all my's my fault that I let you out of my sight...I'm sorry love.

I'm so fucking sorry.

I dragged you into this shit.

Only if I hadn't kidnapped you and brought you all the way from Canada to Russia, you would have been safe right would have been living a safe, normal and happy life right now.

But of course I was just so fucking selfish that I dragged you back in my life, clearly knowing that my life is not the same as it was when I met you...when I fell madly in love with you...clearly knowing that I'm not the same Ryan you fell in love with...and that probably you wouldn't accept this new me.

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