Chapter 15| Mall pt 2

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Y/n's POV

"Shit um I'm going to go" techno said while running to the laptops which were all the way across the store.

"You- oh hi I'm Darryl but you can just call me bad, and you are?" Bad asked.
"Y/n..? Um what did you want?"
"AHH right um did you see techno here, I want to talk to him!" I'm the corner of my eye I see techno whisper yelling no to me.

"Um I don't know anyone by the name of techno um I'm sorry" I really don't want to get on technos bad side.
"Ah ok well I'm going to go find that muffin head, have a nice day!" He hummed while walking to the other side of the store. I roll my eyes and just decide to go over to the clothing store cause- why not.

I wave to tubbo and ranboo the wave back and I walk out. On my way to the clothing store I bump into someone.

"Omg I'm so sorry here let me get your stuff" I scramble for my words not yet looking at them.

"No it's completely fi- y/n?" The soft female voice says. I finally look up to see Sally standing over me. "Oh my- Hey Sally! Um Wil is over by the tech store I can bring you over to see-"
"No I want to talk to you more you seemed nice! You want to go to the food court with me?" She cut me off. I really don't want to eat but- "yeah I'm s-sure" I stutter out but she noticed my discomfort.. shit.

"Or theirs a good clothing store over there come on let's go I think I know some things that will look good on you!"

~time skip brought to you by boredom~

After trying on a bunch of clothes, (all of mine were long sleeved) We check out and went to go find the others which they were at the food court- fun.

"Hey guys look who I found!" I hum and they all turn to me.

"SALLY!" Wil yelled and ran to her pulling her into a hug.
"Wil- I- can't breath" Sally tried to say, Wil immediately let go and patted her head.

"WOMEN OMG IS THIS WILBURS WOMEN?" Tommy yelled getting confused looks from some people around our table, I chuckled and sat down.

"Y/n want some french fries?" Sally hummed I shrugged "I'm not that hungry right now" and then wil and tubbo look at me, tubbo gave me pleading eyes, I just wasn't hungry. "Fine um I'll have a couple I guess"

After awhile of more shopping techno finally decided if we're not going home now he's leaving us here so we decided to head back. "Sally can you come over?" I whispered in her ear, a small giggle came from her. "Yeah let me ask"

"Mhm... ok... love you too... ok bye... I can come over let's go!" Sally hummed after hanging up and she hopped on my back. "Ah shit- dude I almost fell over-" at this point we're almost Dieing of laughter on the ground.

"COME ON SLOW POKES ARE RIDE IS LEAVING!" Tommy yelled again earning more stares from everyone.

We pull into the driveway and I notice theirs another car that I haven't seen before.

We walk into the house and Phil is talking to a guy taller than him with a 'New York Yankees' hat sitting on the couch.

"Uh- hi?"


Just going to leave this here cause it's 12:30 and I need to wake up early tomorrow so- yeah

Have a good day go eat some food drink Easter take meds sleep watch a stream! You deserve it!

Love you<3

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