Part 19| SPYING

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n?" Sally breathed out. She put her hand to her mouth seeing me like this. I saw her eyes start to tear up. I wanted to go hug her, but I wouldn't let myself. I was frozen, I was frozen in fear, but I didn't want her to move.

"S-Sally" I stuttered out, hoping she wouldn't leave me alone, hoping she wouldn't tell anyone. She goes up to me and embraces me in a hug. I fall to my knees crying; sobbing. She was there to comfort me. After a while, I passed out in her arms.

Tommy POV

"TUBBO! RANBOO! COME ON!" I yell, running in our backyard.

"TOMMY STOP RUNNING I'M TIRED!" Tubbo yelled back. I got to the swing set dadza bought for Wilbur a while ago. I ran into the swing, making me go up into the air like I was flying. "OH MY- THIS IS SO FUN!" I laugh through my sentence while swinging on my stomach.

"I WANNA TRY!" Tubbo yelled running down to the swings and doing the same as me. "RANBOO COME ON!! JOIN US" I yelled. Then he did the same.

"WEE!!!!" We all yelled at the top of our lungs, having The best time of our life just hanging out.

After a while it gets dark and dadza calls us inside. We run to our room and then I get an idea.

"LET'S GO SPY ON SOME PEOPLE!" I whisper yell.

"yeah!" Ranboo says Tubbo nods.

First, we decide to see what techno is doing. He was pacing his room, which he usually did when he was stressed. About? No clue but I knew if I bothered him and minx I would be yelled at and then drop kicked into the sun. I just move on.

We go to Wilburs room and they're playing Minecraft. Looks like pvp. "I bet Dream wins" ranboo whispered. "I bet Wilbur does 10 bucks." Tubbo whispered back. "Tubs I'm on Ranboo's side, obviously Dream wins, he's a fucking god." I say.

"Fine if Wilbur wins you both owe me 5. If Dream wins I give you both 5. Deal?" Tubbo asks.

"Deal" Ranboo and I say in unison.

We watch them play for about 1 minute until Wilbur yells "SUCK IT GREEEEEEEEEEN BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"

"PAY UP!" Tubbo yells and I see Wilbur turn so we run away to the other side of the hall ending up near y/n's room.

Tubbo got there first, but it looked like he was about to cry when he looked in.

"Tubs what's wrong?" I whisper and he just walks in. "Sally, what's wrong with y/n?" He mumbled. Sally turned around and saw tubbo. Her eyes widened when she saw the kid.

"Uh-um they're just sleeping um you can talk to them in the morning." Sally sniffled through her sentence. You wouldn't point it out but you can tell she was crying.

"Oh ok, they aren't hurt are they?" Tubbo asked, wiping the tear that dropped off his face.

"They're ok I promise. Now it's late you should go to sleep, so should Tommy and Ranboo. I'll see you in the morning." Sally said and then tubbo walked out.

"LET'S PLAY MINECRAFT!" Tubbo whisper shouts and we all giggle.

Can't think of anything else so here's a short part.

Also I'm trying to read 'flowers from 1970' but I can't cause of spoilers on tiktok. So I just- deleted tiktok-

Anyways go eat:) hugs<3

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