Chapter 3

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*Back to present day*

Ayanokouji: (Well let's just see what happens next but first let's contact some people.)

Ayanokouji then proceeds to take out his phone and call some people.

A few minutes later Ayanokouji finishes his calls and Chabashira enters the room a few moments later.

Chabashira: Let's not waste anymore time so I'll get onto it. I'll be calling you by your names one by one if you are called, you will go outside and go to a booth at the end of the hall to vote. You all got that?

Everyone nods and stays silent but Hirata looked like he was about to say something and Chabashira-sensei noticed that too.

Chabashira: Hirata you want to say something?

Hirata: Yes.

Hirata stood up and looked at all of us.

Hirata: Everyone when your going to vote later, please vote for me.

Ayanokouji: (Hirata probably said that because he was worried about Yamauchi because Horikita nominated him to be the target of our critic votes. So he decided to sacrifice himself but it's quite obvious that nobody will vote their critic votes for you since you're quite valuable in the class.)

Some girls were about to say something but Chabashira-sensei cut them off by talking first.

Chabashira: It looks like nobody has questions so I'll start by the boys.

Chabashira-sensei calls every boy one by one and they each go outside to go to the booth at the end of the hall to vote their Critic and Praise votes at someone. The same happened to the girls too.

*Time skip to after everyone voted*

Chabashira: Use your remaining time to do whatever you want as us teacher are going to tally up the votes. Be back here at 3pm for the results.

After Chabashira-sensei said that she then left not before glancing at me.

Moments after Chabashira-sensei left the room, Horikita stood and went to the podium then proceeds to ask all of us in the room.

Horikita: May I know who you all voted for?

Nobody answered Horikita, they stayed silent and tried to avoid her gaze. Horikita just sat after nobody answered her. Hirata stood up and left the room then slowly all of the students left the room but Koenji and Sakura glanced at Ayanokouji before leaving, Koenji  glanced at Ayanokouji with a grin as if expecting something from him while Sakura just glanced at him with a worried face.

Ayanokouji: (She's really worried for me huh... Sakura might be sad on what I'm about to do, worse case scenario is that she's going to be depressed but the chances of her getting depressed is somewhere between 50 to 40% due to her having friends that serves as her emotional support. If I hadn't had her interact and become friends with Hasabe, Miyake and Yukimura she might become depressed after my move. Huh.... I wonder what Ryūen's reaction to me getting the highest critic vote's> I'm quite interested in it now though I already have an idea.

As Ayanokouji was in his monologue Horikita called him.

Horikita: What do you think are the results Ayanokouji-kun?

Ayanokouji: To be honest I don't know.

Horikita: I see.

Horikita said that but not before stabbing him with a compass

Ayanokouji: What was that for?

Ayanokouji said that acting as if he's really hurt by the stab done by Horikita.

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