Chapter 5

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Today was the day after the results of the exam were announced. Class 1-C formerly known as Class 1-D was in their classroom quite early why? Because the school had texted each student in their class to come to school early due to some announcements.

Slowly the students entered the classroom when all of them arrived they noticed that one seat had no person sitting in it. The person who was supposed to sit in that seat was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. All students had grim and guilt expressions when looking at that one unoccupied seat except for some like Koenji who appears to not care about his surroundings and Yamauchi who looks like he won something, even though Kushida looks like she's worried she's actually happy that Ayanokouji got expelled.

And there are others who look like their either pissed or dead such as Horikita(Suzune) who looked like she can kill anyone with her eyes as they are quite red probably due to crying last night and Hirata who look like his life had been sucked out by someone.

In front of them was their homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei who was looks calm but was actually leaking killing intent and all students felt it but decided to keep quiet.

After a while of silence, Chabashira-sensei posted something into the board, it was a poster containing the results from the special exam that they just had. Ike asked something to Chabashira-sensei.

Ike: Sensei, why are you posting the results of the exam yesterday?

Chabashira: Look closely.

The results were the same as yesterday but when they look at the results for the Critic Votes and the person who got the most Critic Votes, the results were different compared to yesterday's results.

Critic Votes
Yamauchi - 57 votes
Ayanokouji - 54 votes
Ike - 45 votes
Sudo - 36 votes

Yamauchi had the most critic votes.

The whole class was silent Horikita(Suzune), Sakura, Hirata and Yamauchi who was shocked the most slammed the table, stood and shouted.

Yamauchi: Sensei! What is the meaning of this!?

Chabashira sighed then said.

Chabashira: It is what it is, you Yamauchi have the most critic votes.

Yamauchi: Huh!?W-what the hell does that mean Sensei?! Didn't Ayanokouji had the most votes?!

Chabashira: True, yesterday Ayanokouji had the most votes but someone voted 5 critic votes for you yesterday.

Yamauchi was now stuttering but demand answers

Yamauchi: I-if that's true sensei that how come that plain guy isn't in his seat?!

Chabashira: I don't know, you figure it out.

Yamauchi: How?! How?!

Yamauchi was now in despair.

Yamauchi was now in despair

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Koenji then laughed.

Koenji: Ha ha ha, it's quite easy classmates of mine, I don't mind telling you as it can give you more suffering

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Koenji: Ha ha ha, it's quite easy classmates of mine, I don't mind telling you as it can give you more suffering.

Yamauchi: T-then how?!

Koenji: It's quite easy, when Ayanokouji-boy was brought in to the staff room he or someone else bought critic votes to vote for you and that resulted in him not getting expelled and as for him not being here he is either absent, dropped out or transferred classes though it's most likely that he transferred classes.

Yamauchi: Huh?! How is that possible?! How could he have bought votes?!

The other students were now confused, Horikita(Suzune) lost her killer glare and was now trying to figure out what Ayanokouji had done.

Koenji: You do realize that we are in this school right, defective classmate of mine? As long as you have a lot of points, you can do a lot of things. The fact that you don't know about that means your probably in the 1st place in the rankings for being defective. But either way it's useless for you to know this as you're going to get expelled and no one can save you as no one aside from me have a lot of points needed to save you.

Koenji was saying a lot than usual in order to rub salt on Yamauchi's wound.

Yamauchi was now pissed at Koenji's insults. He grabbed his chair and went to Koenji to slam it on his head. But Koenji knew what Yamauchi was going to do so he grabbed the chair before it made an impact on his head.

Chabashira-sensei then spoke.

Chabashira: That's enough, Yamauchi go with me to the staff room.

Yamauchi followed Chabashira-sensei looking lifeless.

After they left the whole class was silent. Some students were quite shock, Kushida who had been feeling happy because of Ayanokouji's supposed expulsion was now terrified of what Ayanokouji could have possibly done, Hirata was also happy that Ayanokouji wasn't expelled but was shocked because one of his classmates got expelled. Sakura was also glad that Ayanokouji wasn't expelled but was kinda sad because of the possibility that Ayanokouji wouldn't be her classmate anymore. Horikita(Suzune) was also glad too that Ayanokouji wasn't expelled but was sad because of the possibility that he wouldn't be in her class anymore.

After a while Horikita asks Koenji.

Horikita: Koenji-kun I have a question do you mind answering?

Koenji: It depends but ask away.

Horikita: How much does it cost to buy a vote and how much does it cost to transfer to another class?

Koenji: Quite an interesting question so I'll answer it, it costs 100,000 points to buy votes and 20 million to transfer to another class.

Horikita: I see, thank you Koenji-kun.

The students of class 1-C stayed silent, the were confused and wondering on how Ayanokouji got the amount of points.

Author's notes: Thank you for reading this, I'll probably have Chapter 6 tomorrow so wait for it. I hope you guys have a great time and bye!

Also feel free to comment or message me on any mistakes on the chapter so I can fix it as soon as possible

(Discontinued) Route A - A Classroom of the Elite FanficOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara