Chapter 2: Amity Park

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Just warning all y'all, this chappie and probably all the rest of the chappies WILL HAVE swearing in them. Not much of it, but some people don't like swearing so yeah.

I woke up in the morning feeling amazing. I don't know why, I just felt wonderful. Probably because I'm leaving my loser school I used to go to! I'll never see that place again! Yay! got out of bed and got ready. It was Saturday today, the day we move to our new house. The weird part is that I still don't know where we're moving.

"Hey Mom." I yelled, skipping down the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"Hi Muna, you sure seem perky today." She responded.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"He's making breakfast for us today." My mom answered. "Isn't that nice of him."

"Yeah. " I said. And it's strange. Dad never makes breakfast for us, except on holidays. I guess he considers moving day a holiday. Well, then I guess I do too. I can't wait until we're out of this town!

"Muna, you should get some things from your room. There's some boxes by the door." She told me.

"Kk." I grabbed a couple boxes and headed up the stairs to my room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I finished packing up the last box. There was no longer anything in my room except for the stuff that was too big to fit in the boxes. All my posters in one, clothes in another, picture frames in another, books in yet another. It feels strange to see my room almost completely empty. The bed, chairs, dressers, bookshelves, and my piano were still there, but that was about it.

"I'm done packing!" I yelled down the stairs to my parents.

"Bring a couple boxes downstairs and we'll start putting stuff in the moving van." My mom told me.

"Ok." I grabbed the first two boxes I found and carried them to the door. "Damn these are heavy!" I grunted just quiet enough that my parents didn't hear it. I brought the boxes downstairs and did the same with the rest of the boxes.

"Let's get this stuff into the van." My dad said, grabbing a few of the boxes. I had written my name on them so there isn't as much confusion when we get to the new house and start unpacking.

"Alright." I picked up a box and set it in the van. Soon we finished putting all the boxes into the van.

"Are we all ready to go?" My mom yelled to my dad and I, who had went back inside.

"We should probably double-check the rooms just in case." My dad reasoned.

"Yeah." I agreed and went upstairs to my room. I looked around. It's so bare. I made sure nothing important was left there. As I was about to head downstairs, I saw a green shadow out of the corner of my eye. "It's probably nothing." I whispered to myself, shrugging it off and walking downstairs and outside to get in the moving van.

"Let's go!" My dad started the car and drove to our new house. According to the GPS, it will take exactly 15 minutes to get to our new house. My parents put on some sort of weird kid music.

"What the hell is that?" I asked, covering my ears.

"Oh honey, you used to love this song! You would run around the house singing it over and over again!" My mom reminisced. "I'm sure going to miss that old house, we shared so many memories there!"

"I'm not." I muttered under my breath. This is gonna be a loooong car ride.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~about 12 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This car ride sucks. At least there's only three minutes left until we get to our new house. I looked around and saw we were passing a sign that said the name of the town we'll now be living in.

"Amity Park." I read. "Why does that sound so familiar?" I asked aloud to no one. Then I remembered. That's the town that Danny lives in in the show Danny Phantom! I barely had any time to fangirl though, because right then I noticed something hurtling toward the van.

"Look out!" My mom yelled. My dad swerved and the van went off the road. We all screamed.

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