Chapter 14: What's Real and What Isn't

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I looked around. I was in a big, dark room. It looked how you would imagine a serial killer or supervillain's lair. Suddenly the lights turned on. A somewhat overweight geeky looking guy with long ginger hair and a unibrow walked into the room.

"Oh, you're awake? I guess the machine still needs some tinkering. If some random girl can get out of being trapped in a TV show, then it won't even be a challenge for them."

The guy seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite remember who he was. "What happened to Danny, Tucker and Sam?"

"They were just a simulation. Don't you know that cartoon characters aren't real?!"

I looked at him for a minute. ohmygod, I know who he is! "Then how are you real?"

"Wha-" he was cut off by someone blasting through the wall.

"Titans, go!" Robin yelled, bursting into the room. It was the Teen Titans! They we're saving me from Control Freak! Or was this just some weird dream-simulation thing too?

Thank you guys so much for reading this! This is my most read book out of everything on my Wattpad. I was thinking of ending this story here (or maybe having only one more chapter) cuz I don't really know what I would write next, but comment if you want me to write more. Also, please read my other Wattpad stories, I promise some parts of them are just as good, if not better than most of this!

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