Chapter 5: New School!

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Sorry this chappie took a while, I had a bit of writer's block. Even though I have the climax of this story already all planned out, it's hard to decide what to write before then... Well, hope y'all like it, a lot of people have been yelling at me to update this (you know who you are). Wow, this is a long author's note...

My first day at my new school is today! Yay! I actually kinda like school apart from all the social stuff. I grabbed my backpack from the floor next to the door. I had already gotten dressed and eaten breakfast and stuff.

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" I yelled as I walked out the door. Don't want to be late on my first day! Why am I this excited? It's SCHOOL.

I walked down the street. We only lived a few blocks away from the school, so I was able to just walk and get there on time without having to wake up super early in the morning.

It was then that I saw Tucker, Sam, and Danny walking down the street about 20 feet in front of me. I considered yelling to them to wait up, but then realized that they don't know me like I know them. I ended up walking behind them, watching them (in a non-stalkerish way...) all the way until we got to school.

The bell hadn't rung yet when I got there, so I leaned against the side of the building and whipped out my phone. I started texting Zanoah, telling her what had happened since I'd gotten here, including the car crash. Of course she wouldn't believe me, but it was worth a shot. She actually believed me though! What?! How is discovering that a half- ghost kid is real NORMAL?!

"Hey, is that an iPhone 6?!" An overly excited person asked. Wait... I recognize that voice! I looked up, and standing in front of me, staring at my phone in awe, was Tucker Foley. I tried to keep from fangirling.

"Uh... Hi... Yea I just got this phone a few weeks ago." I replied.

"Awesome! I've been trying to get one but I don't have enough money and my parents won't lend me any!" He reached out like he was about to steal my phone from me.

"Hey! That's mine!" I swiped it back. He looked disappointed.

"Sorry about him." Sam Manson (omg!) came over to me. "He's a geek."

"Ahem, it's technology obsessed!" Tucker corrected her.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes at him and then looked at my shirt. "You like Evanescence?!"

"Omg, yes!" I responded.

"I love them!" She fangirled.

"Hey, did you forget about someone?!" Danny Fenton interrupted our obsession session (hey that rhymed!).

"We didn't forget about you Danny!" Tucker and Sam chorused. I laughed.

"So, who are you?" Danny asked. I was about to tell him he's met me before, but that was in his Phantom form and I don't want him to know that I know his secret.

"I'm Muna." I told them. "Yeah, I know it's a weird name."

"It's cool." Tucker said.

"Yeah, I wish my name was as awesome as yours! Samantha is boring!" Sam said.

"Oh yeah, we didn't introduce ourselves!" Danny realized. "I'm Danny."

"Tucker, but sometimes people call me Tuck." Tucker stated.

"And I'm Sam. Don't call me Samantha or I'll kill you."

"Cool." I answered, nodding, even though they really didn't need to introduce themselves, I already knew basically everything about them (that sounded stalkerish). Although, I didn't know that Sam likes Evanescence.

"You're knew here right? Do you want to sit with us at lunch?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah, I am. Sure!" I answered. Yes! I'm becoming friends with them! I can tell this is going to be an awesome rest of the school year.

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