Chapter 9: the chappie that i have no clue what to call it

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"So, does this mean you're not shocked at all?! Not even a little bit?" Danny questioned.

"Nope." I rocked back and forth on my heels. "But I can tell you're shocked that I'm not!"

"Are you a genius or something?!" Danny asked.

"Nah, just good at observations." True, but not the whole truth. No way I'm gonna tell him that. Everyone just kinda stood around awkwardly for a few minutes.

"Awkward silence!" Tucker yelled. Sam gave him a wtf are you doing look. "What?!"

"You know, I should probably text my parents and tell them school's out early today." I suggested.

"Good idea." Sam responded. "We all probably should."

Everyone got out their phones, and Tucker was staring at mine again. I quickly called my parents and was about to leave when Tucker asked me a question.

"Um hey... Do you want my number? I mean, we're friends now so that's normal, right?" Tucker blurted out.

"Sure." I did find this a little weird, but seriously it's Tucker Foley, of course I'm gonna let him give me his number. I handed my phone to him and he took it, practically squealing with joy. Oh so that's why he wanted to give me his number; it's just so he would actually get to hold my phone. Wow... That sounds actually... incredibly sad. Geek.

Obviously the only noteworthy thing that happened after that today was me going home and fangirling to Zan while simultaneously stuffing my face with corn chips and watching Netflix. Oh yeah and staying up until one in the morning, not leaving me nearly enough time to get the recommended hours of sleep and get ready for school on time. Oh well.

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