Chapter 6: First Day

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Short chappie, sorry
I walked into Mr. Lancer's class at the bell, looking around for a place to sit.

"Hello everyone, please welcome our new student Muna." Mr. Lancer introduced me. Oh god. Everyone in the class was staring at me.

"Um.. Hi." I muttered.

"There's an empty seat next to Mr. Baxter." He gestured over to where Dash was sitting. Sure enough, the only empty seat in the room happened to be next to him. Crap.

As soon as I sat down, Dash started hitting on me. Ew!

"Hey babe, I saw you talking to those losers over there." He gestured to Danny, Sam, and Tucker. "You should ditch them and hang out with cool guys like me."

"Really?!" I complained.

"Come on, my friend Paulina can teach you how to shop." He made an "ew" face at my outfit.

"I happen to love the color black, and I'm never gonna ditch my fave band shirts." I explained. "Now could you kindly shut up? I'm trying to actually learn stuff."

Dash grumbled and turned away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a while later (lunch) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked around for a seat in the cafeteria. People were starting to sit down, but I couldn't see Danny, Sam, or Tucker anywhere. I looked around, feeling lost and starting to panic. I know not finding a table at lunch isn't s big deal, but I couldn't stop internally freaking out that I couldn't find the only people that were actually friends with me here.

"Muna!" I heard someone call. I turned around and Danny was sitting at a table way in the corner. Feeling relieved, I walked over and sat down across from him.

"Hi. I couldn't find you!" I said,the panic wearing off.

"Yeah, sorry. We sit all the way back here so no one will bother us, but they always do." Danny sighed.

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