Chapter 3: Ghosts!

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Also, random awesome Danny Phantom meme to the side ------------------------------->

The van flipped and crashed against a tree. My mom and dad were already trying to open the doors to get out. I grabbed the handle of the car door and tried to open it. It wouldn't budge. I pushed against it and banged on the window as hard as I could.

"Dammit." I muttered. Then I looked to see if my mom and dad were able to get out. Nope. We're stuck. I rested my head on the side of the window for a second.

I jolted upright and banged my head against the top of the car as I heard someone yelling. I started to listen to the voice, but I couldn't tell what it was saying. Wait... I recognize that voice! It sounds like... Danny Phantom! Omg! I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a ghost being sucked into the Fenton- thermos! I wish I could get out of this truck- car thing and see what's going on over there!

I closed my eyes. If I only had my cell phone, I could call for help, but it fell out of my pocket when we crashed. I have no idea where it went. Then I heard footsteps coming our way. I leaned back in my seat, too relieved that we were going to be rescued to look who it was. Then someone tapped on my window.

"Are you okay?" A voice said. Wait... That's him! I turned around to see THE Danny Phantom looking at me.

"Yeah I'm fine, just stuck." I answered him.

"I can help with that." He winked at me. He started blasting the door with ecto- rays until it broke off. I hopped out of the car as he started doing the same with the other doors to get my mom and dad out.

"Hey!" I yelled to him after he finished doing that. He turned to look at me, confused. "Thanks." He smiled.

"Anytime." He responded and turned around to help us flip the van back over and get it back on the road.

I couldn't help but stare at him the whole time this was happening. I can't believe I met THE DANNY PHANTOM. I can't believe I talked to him. I can't believe he winked at me and smiled at me! This day has definitely taken a turn for the better. All thanks to Desiree, the wish- granting ghost, for granting me the wish in the first place!

I walked into the woods so I was out of earshot of everyone else and yelled "Thank you Desiree!"

"You're welcome." Desiree appeared out of nowhere. I smiled at her. Even though she's one of Danny's enemies, I think we get along pretty well. She granted my wish, and I don't treat her like a criminal, so I would say we're on good terms. I walked back over to where my mom and dad are. I saw they had gotten the van back on the road. I ran over and climbed in.

"Hey." I greeted my parents.

"Hi honey." My mom responded. "Do you know who the nice ghost-boy that helped us was? I didn't catch his name?" That's weird. She didn't even react at all when she said "ghost- boy". I would've thought my parents would be a little more surprised at the fact that ghosts exist.

"He's Danny Phantom." I answered, still puzzled. I decided to let it go. I looked out the window and smiled. Even though it was a bit strange, today turned out pretty well. Well, except for the whole car crash thing. Oh well. No such thing as perfect, so I guess something bad had to happen.

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