Chapter 4: The New House

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We FINALLY got to our new house. It was just then that I realized I was hungry. "I'm starving!"

"Well, I'm going to make lunch." My mom announced, going into the kitchen. "You two can start unpacking."

"Okay!" My dad and I chorused as we walked around the house.

As I started bringing my boxes of stuff for my room upstairs, I began to think about the move. It's weird, not that many people move to a new town and new school when it's this close to the end of the school year. There's still about 2 months left, but still. I'm probably the only person that ever moved to a new school that late in the school year. Then something popped into my head. I looked around, trying to find a calendar.

"Mom!" I yelled downstairs.

"What?!" She asked.

"What day is it today?!"


I facepalmed. "I meant of the year!"

"Oh, it's April third!"

5, 4, 3, 2,

"HAPPY DANNIVERSARY!!!!" I yelled as loud as possible. I think people might have heard me all the way on the other side of the world... OH WELL.

"Honey, what's a danniversary?" My dad asked, walking down the hallway.

"OH MY GOD, ITS ONLY THE ANNIVERSARY OF ONE OF THE GREATEST TV SHOWS EVER!!!!" I yelled at them then ran into my room, pulling out my phone.

I opened the window and sat down on the bed, even though it didn't have any sheets on it yet. The sun shining through the window warmed my arms. I can't believe I actually wore my Danny Phantom shirt today and I didn't even know it's the DANNIVERSARY! That's just pure luck. I went on my YouTube app on my phone and looked up "Danny Phantom theme song". Then I put the phone in a portable speaker- thing, turning it to full volume. TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!!

I didn't even realize the song started. Then I heard it, screamed, and sang along at the top of my lungs.

"Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14
when his parents built a very strange machine
It was designed to view a world unseen
(he's gonna catch 'em all cuz he's Danny Phantom)

When it didn't quite work his folks they just quit
But then Danny took a look inside of it
There was a great big flash everything just changed
His molecules got all rearranged

(Phantom, Phantom)

When he first woke up he realized
he had snow white hair and glowin green eyes
He could walk through walls disappear and fly
He was much more unique than the other guys

It was then that he knew what he had to do
He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin through
He's here to fight for me and you

(He's gonna catch 'em all cuz he's Danny Phantom
Gonna catch 'em all cuz he's Danny Phantom
Gonna catch 'em all cuz he's...)


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