027. q & a

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"no, you fucking dumbass, you separate the wet ingredients from the dry

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"no, you fucking dumbass, you separate the wet ingredients from the dry... chat, i know what i'm doing, i watch food network." violet bragged.

"yeah, and you don't even watch the damn cooking, you just watch them taste the food." nadia replied.

"don't expose me like that!" violet said, throwing a bit of flour on their face.

in the stream, they were making a cake... it wasn't going too well.

there was flour all over the counter and the floor, cracked eggs scattered on the floor as well from karl accidentally dropping them from time to time, and some water spills on the floor too. let's just say they haven't had the cleanest work space.

"do you both ever shut the hell up?" alex asked.

in response, the two threw flour at him.

"hey, don't do homeboy like that." karl spoke, throwing flour at the two.

"who the fuck still says homeboy, karl?" violet asked, throwing flour back at him.

this turned into a complete disaster, there was flour everywhere. all of them were covered in flour and other ingredients they probably didn't even know.

"well, chat, there's our 'cooking' stream." karl said to the camera before laughing.

"watching cooking shows really pays off." violet added, putting a thumbs up.

"this shit looks so gross... let's put it in the oven!" alex grinned, putting the pan full of the not-so-normal batter in the oven.

"okay, now here's violet's least favorite part, waiting." nadia giggled, earning a groan from violet.

"let's have a mini q and a, chat! go on twitter, go, go, go!" karl cheered.

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