• 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 •

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mike imagine!
maybe part one of two or whatever.
aged up to like 17/18
somewhere around there.

not checked so watch out for mistakes!

"it'll be fine, we broke up. i'm sure she has an amazing life with will & el." mike tried reassuring the party that he wasn't internally freaking out at the news he received this morning. key word trying, he was actually freaking out inside.

it had been about two- maybe three years since y/n, el & will all moved away. when el disappeared, mike & y/n began dating, but she came back & it was weird for a while. it was even weirder considering y/n is will's sister.

they didn't break up, though. much to el's dismay, they stayed together. eventually el accepted it- or she was forced to. now she lives with the byers'.

however, when y/n & will told the party they were moving, everything crumbled at their feet. mike was upset that his best friends & girlfriend were leaving him, but he knew they couldn't help it.

steve took it the hardest. well him & mike.
y/n & dustin were steve's favorites.

y/n & mike thought they could make it, but three months into long distance, & mike broke up with her over phone.

that was about three years ago.

it crushed both of them.
but in a way, they knew it was for the best.
y/n always felt that el would try to weasel her way back to mike, but he was too hung up to ever go back to el, even if he was in denial.

"okay, we're about the go into senior year, & mike is still hung up on her. do something, lucas." max nudged her boyfriend, earning an annoyed groan from mike.

"i am not still hung up on her!" he huffed, glancing around at the party- or the remaining of it.

dustin shook his head,
"ah, i remember when i was still hung up on stacey wellington."

"stacey? fifth grade stacey? you didn't even date her, you just had a crush on her." lucas sassed.

"really? plus aren't you still with suzie?" max raised her eyebrows.
dustin held his chest, as if he were offended,
"yes she & i are still together. & also, fuck you. she liked me back, i could tell."

mike laughed,
"she called you a science nerd & only talked to you when you let her copy your homework."

dustin flipped lucas & mike off,
"your opinion is trash, you're literally a lonely, bitter bowl-cut wearing asshole."

max rolled her eyes, "ugh, men."
she left the three teenage boys to bicker back & fourth.

"i'm not lonely. i choose to walk alone." mike crossed his arms, rolling his eyes at the two in front of him.

lucas sucked his teeth,
"you're lonely. very lonely. & for whatever reason, you never seem to want to get out of that mindset."

dustin nodded,
"mhm, no one wants to be lonely."

mike shook his head, shrugging,
"w-well i do. i don't want to spend the rest of my life stuck with a nagging girlfriend," he gestured to lucas, "or a girlfriend who's long distance." he looked over as dustin, watching him get offended.

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