- 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆'𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝘆 -

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- it's kind of hard to tell with him because he's not a very clingy person
- but when he gets really touchy
- that's when you know
- like if you're out with friends & he gets all needy
- he'll always be touching you in some way
- like kisses on the cheek, holding your hand, arm around your waist, putting his foot on yours etc.
- fuck it he'll probably even text you, asking for your attention if you're in a room full of people

- he'll flat out say it
- like he'll beg you to give him attention
- "pleaseee i just want your attention!"
- him having to grab your jaw & force you to look at him
- how can you say no to those big ass brown eyes behind those glasses?
- he's all happy & giddy once he finally gets what he wants

- he's a douche to everyone when he doesn't have your attention on him
- he'll whine & mope like a brat
- he even pulls the 🥺 card on you
- he's super affection when he's needy
- when you finally cave, he goes back to normal

- oh boris doesn't have to beg you to give him attention
- he's gonna make sure you're all he's focused on
- when he's needy & you won't hangout with him or cuddle or anything, he definitely tries to make you jealous
- he's not interested in anyone but you
- but he's definitely gonna get his way
- he hates being needy & he needs you 24/7

- out of all of finn's characters, this mf is the NEEDIEST & the CLINGIEST ong
- like since you went to boarding school with him & moved into bly with him, he's attached to your hip
- so when he gets needy there's no escaping
- he'll grab whatever book you're reading, crawl into your lap & bury his face in your neck
- "you know i hate begging. please give me attention."
- of course you give him attention because why not? he's your hot boyfriend.

- he'll whine about how you don't give him enough attention until you break
- he'll complain to walter about how much he misses you
- like mike, he'll kinda just mope around
- probably spams your phone with texts, telling you how much he loves & misses you

- mf NEEDS attention & validation from you
- if he doesn't get it, he feels like you don't love him anymore
- he's constantly holding your hand, hugging you & kissing you to make sure you don't retract from it
- he's (like finn) also super touchy when he's needy
- like when he's (horny) needy, he's all over you
- that's mainly how you can tell lmao
- he just can't resist it, he loves physical contact with you

- he whines when he's needy
- are you surprised?
- literally the whole pack has to tell him to
- but it's hard for him to stop
- especially when you two have to be separated
- he'll usually crawl into bed with you at the end of the day & probably cuddle you to death
- happy werewolf

- writes songs about you
- doesn't let you know how needy he is
- but you can tell because of how passionate the songs are
- when you two are together he's especially clingy
- like he's always with you & tbh you like it
- he also compliments you a lot more when he's needy
- (ex: have i ever told you how beautiful your eyes are? god you look amazing in that shirt. can i kiss you? sorry, you just look so pretty.)


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