• 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘆 •

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today you finally get to see your boyfriend of 8 months , finn wolfhard. you were so excited after not being to see him for 3 weeks due to him attending premieres with his cast mates for his new movie & having to leave all the time. you head to the airport where he texted you the location. you texted him that you're on your way.

••• (skip to the airport bc i'm a lazy girl :))

you arrive at the airport & immediately spot finn. you walk up to him & give him a huge hug. he hugs you back & you go to give him a kiss. he doesn't really act like he did before when you would go in for a kiss, he quickly pulls away & you're a little confused. you figured he would have missed you just as much as you missed him. you decide to shake it off, maybe he was just really tired. the car ride home was super awkward. the two of you have only spoken maybe 2 words to each other ? maybe not. you pull into your driveway & finn opens his door & walks straight into the house, leaving you outside on your own.
you open your door & walk into the house & make your way up to your bedroom where you find finn changed into some sweatpants & a t-shirt.

"how was the premiere babe?"

"it was fun, but tiring. i love traveling & seeing new places."

"i'm glad you had fun, but i missed you so much." you say pouting.

"i missed you too baby."

you go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. you walk back out & finn is on his phone. you strut your way over to the bed & lay down next to your boyfriend. you go to cuddle & he slightly pulls back. you start to get irritated with the way that he's acting.

"finn is everything okay?" you knew everything wasn't okay, you just wanted to hear it from his mouth.

"yes everything's fine (y/n). don't worry."

"ok. well you've just been acting a little strange since i picked you up & i was just making sure that you were fine."

"you need to stop worrying so much, you know that messes with you." he said slightly irritated. he had a point though, when you worry too much, the stress really gets to you & your anxiety goes up.

"yes baby, i know i just wanted to know if something was bothering you-"

"oh my god (y/n)! i've already said that i'm fine! can you stop being so fucking clingy. i just got home & you're making me mad!!" he raises his voice louder with every other word.

you start to tear up because you didn't mean to make him angry & you weren't expecting such a negative reaction. you're just a concerned girlfriend. tears slowly slide down your cheek as the awkward silence sets in & the tension in the air is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

when he looked back up from his phone he noticed you crying & immediately regretted yelling at you. he sits up to touch you but you flinch back & his heart breaks. you weren't scared of him now, were you?

"listen baby i'm sorry. i didn't mean to raise my voice at you, i'm just very tired & i want you to know that i will never hurt you, so you don't have to be scared of me." he said with so much expression & emotion, but you refused eye contact. that only hurt him more.

"am i really that clingy...?" you ask with so much hurt in your voice that it allows finn to frown even deeper - if that's even possible.

"of course not," he pauses. "i've just been extremely stressed out & i just feel like no ones appreciating what i'm doing. i know you love me, but i just get so stressed out going to all of these events. & for what? yes i get to do what i love, but baby, this is literally my life now. i'm always too busy & i can't always see you & i'm always stressed out how i'm known or seen in public. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to lash out at you. it's all my fault." at this point he's tearing up & tears are threatening to spills as his voice cracks & shivers.

"it's okay baby, i understand." you go to hug him & he instantly falls right into your arms, holding tight.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i'm so so so soryyyyy.." he repeats over & over again.

you grab his face between your two small hands & you wipe the tears away with your thumbs all while making eye contact.

"it's okay. i'm sorry i didn't know you were so stressed out. i promise i will try to help you more & i'll give you a little more space."

"no baby, i don't want space. i was just stressed & didn't know how to let it out. i always wanna be with you. i wanna hold your hand, kiss you, make love to you, be there for you & push you to do better. you're my everything & no matter how hard you try, nothing will change that, so you might as well get used to it." he says, grabbing your hands off his face & taking them in his to press small, delicate kisses to them.

"gosh finn, stop being so clingy." you joke making both of you chuckle, which then turns to sweet laughter.
after you've calmed down you both just stare at each other. you both start leaning in until your lips meat in a very passionate, very needy kiss.

you both pull away with a pop, "i love you so much," he whispers while resting their foreheads together.

"i love you so much more."

990 words.
wowza, this has been in my drafts for a minute. anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this chapter. many more to come so just buckle up & bear with me 🙏🏻

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