Chapter Thirty-Three : where's prince charming?

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Chapter Thirty-Three : where's prince charming?


"So my dad called and asked if I could come do a christmas eve dinner with his family," Parker commented parking in the parking lot for the school dance.

Mason dressed me once again in something more me and did my makeup. Making me look like a snowflake he called me but I know he didn't mean it in the actual term of snowflake. Or at least I hope not. My dress looked as if you'd find it in a fairytale. Mason told me he took Parker with him to find a matching tie and a corsage.

"Are you going?" I asked.

"I don't know, I mean me alone. I don't know if I have the patients for that," he shrugged his shoulders.

"I think it'll be good," I responded, "I mean he's trying, he's trying to be there in your life again."

"It took him this fucking long, he probably looks at me with the same diagrace as he does my mom," Parker laid his head on his headrest and looked forward.

Part of me was going to regret saying this but the other part of me knew that not trying to be there would be a mistake, "I'll go with you."

"Nowhere in our agreement does it say you have to," he looked at me.

"I want to be there," I looked him in the eyes no matter how much I wanted to look away. That him holding my eyes with his own terrified me. It made me feel things I didn't think I was capable of feeling.

"I'll let you sleep on it and decide when you clearly don't know what your agreeing with," Parker started to get out of the car and I grabbed his arm.

"Parker I'm going," and he looked back at me trying to figure me out before closing the door again so it was just the sound of the heat on blast.

"You really want to do this?"

"What else is there to lose?"

"Haylee never," he sighed unsure of what to say.

"Haylee never what? You usually aren't the one to bring her up so I know it's something you want to say."

"No, forget it. It's not important," Parker got out of the car in a hurry and I opened my door before he could. He grabbed the door for me and held his hand out for me to take.

I felt myself smile, "I still can't get used to that," I responded as our hands touched.

"You still try to race me to the door though," Parker responded once I stepped down from his truck and he pulled me closer to him to shut his truck door.

"Now Parker smile as if Paige said something funny," Mason called out and we both looked to find him with a camera.

"Mason what are you doing?" I asked walking towards Mason who was still taking shots.

"I saw you guys talking and Brooks is trying to figure out his tie so I thought why not, these could be bombass pictures and they are! I'll show you once I edit them though, the color blue on you two are beautiful!"

"Your lucky Parker doesn't hate you, most guys wouldn't like that you're my best friend," I nudged him.

"Parkers a different breed I'll give you that," Mason smiled. "I'll show you my favorite picture I got of you two and then I'll send the rest later," Mason turned his camera at me after a silent moment of trying to find it and it was when Parker and my hand touched as I was getting out of the car and it caught the change in my eyes when I touched his hand, did Mason see that. Did Parker see that?

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