Chapter Fifty-Eight : next up the marriage proposal

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Chapter Fifty-Eight : next up the marriage proposal


~ Three Years Later ~

"Ohh guys! Thank you so much for making it! I know the trip was a long one but I'm glad you guys could make it!" Kayla hugged Malcolm first and then looked at me and smiled hugging me tighter than tight.

These past three years have been good for us, a time and place to heal. I promised myself in that car that night as I was sitting outside Parker's house that I'd fix the unmended wounds for not only him but for me. So I wouldn't be so angry, so I could finally let go. I bettered myself because I needed to be able to be fully emotionally available. I went on dates throughout my freshman year of college. I didn't date in high school my senior year, I couldn't do it to Parker even when he did. I did go to prom with Parker though, his date bailed on him last minute and I decided why not.

"You cut your hair!" she commented touching my freshly cut hair, "are those highlights?" she asked.

I nodded, "I thought why not, my junior years next week," I smiled.

"It's so beautiful Paige," she smiled.

"Thank you," I gave her another hug.

"I want you to meet someone," she grabbed my hand and her eyes were filled with hope.

"Hayden," she said his name and he turned and looked at me, he was tall, blonde hair, blue eyed man and he greeted me.

"Paige, your sister has told me so much about you!"

"Has she?" I smiled, "I hope all good things."

"They have been," he nodded.

"Paige this is Hayden in the flesh," she looked at me.

She had been dating Hayden the end of her junior year and throughout her senior year. Kayla had a job set up in California, Hayden was moving in with her.

"You do look taller in person," I smiled and he laughed.

"I'm really 6'5."

My eyes caught a truck I had seen before and I had to take a double take before realizing who was climbing out of the passenger seat.

"Excuse me," I muttered as Kayla and Hayden went on talking about the after party at his parents house.

I started off walking fast to a sprint before wrapping my arms around my little Nora who wasn't so little anymore.

"I've missed you!" I exclaimed.

She hugged me tighter than she ever had before, "Mom and dad let Parker take me instead. He wanted to do a road trip instead of flying," she pulled away and looked surprised, "your hair!" she touched it.

"I cut it before coming down, but look at you! You're taller than you were last Christmas I saw you," I hadn't seen her in a year and six months. A snow storm stopped me there and every other time wasn't a good time to come down.

She eyed Parker who was walking towards Malcolm, "Somebody broke up with his current girlfriend after hearing that you were going to be there."

"Stop he did not Nora," I looked at her.

"She was kinda sloppy if I were to be honest," she admitted, "I met her and she squeezed my cheeks. He's definitely downgraded after you," she sighed, not impressed with Parker's logic.

"But he liked her right?" I asked.

"Of course he liked her, but not enough. I told you once before you guys belong together, I mean look at you now and look at him. Chances like this don't happen."

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