Chapter Fifty-Three : are the walls really that thin?

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Chapter Fifty-Three : are the walls really that thin?


~ Two Months Later ~

It was the beginning of April which also meant we were going to head off to Michigan for the two weeks we were out of school.

Parker hadn't exactly spoken much to me, but he wasn't going to ignore me entirely, we'd wave if we saw each other passing in the hallways at school or talk a little when he was over at the house hanging out with Malcolm. I had noticed since the first day of our break up he wasn't sleeping around or making out with random girls which eased my conscience. I do constantly hear Malcolm trying to set Parker up with one of Madi's friends.

Nora has settled down with the random spits of anger at me, I think she's realizing things won't go back to how they were. She brings it up from time to time though. 'The days before the storm' she calls them.

Kayla hadn't gone back to school like she said she was for her second semester. She's so focused on working on our relationship which doesn't make much sense with me since we aren't on the same page.

Mateo had been there for the past two months, I told him I was still healing and I think I'm a lot better than I had been. He's came over once or twice since but I always make sure Parker isn't here. Even after Parker told Mateo to shoot his shot he stopped talking to Mateo, shut him out completely.

I was packing my bag when Malcolm came in following Parker who had been staying at the house since last night, he hates being at his own house. He doesn't have to say it, I was with him for almost six months, you start to pick up on things he does.

"Mom said that you had an extra suitcase in here," Malcolm went rummaging in my closet.

"Yeah, it's Nora's suitcase on the top shelf behind the blankets. But it has princess sofia on there."

"Yeah no, mom said you had another one," Malcolm threw the once folded blankets onto the floor, he on the other hand had not forgiven me. He could hold a grudge until the day he died and even then I was unforgiven.

"I don't know what one she's talking about," I said as my phone pinged and I looked down to see Mateo had texted me.

"Hey can I stop by before you go?" he texted and I was about to respond when I heard the doorbell.

"What's this?" Malcolm was holding up a suitcase that I didn't know how it got up there, I don't remember putting it up there.

"A suitcase," I commented as my mom yelled for me.

"Paige! Mateo's here!"

Both Parker and Malcolm looked at one another before looking at me.

"Umm I thought we all silently agreed that it's better that those two aren't in the same house together," Malcolm said out loud.

"He texted me asking to come over, I was going to respond and say no but he already showed up," I commented coldly to Malcolm, "I'll get rid of him."

"Paige, you don't have to do that, you don't have to hide him. I mean you wanted to break up and we did, this is your house, you don't have to not let him come over when I'm here," Parker said.

He was saying it but it's like the time that's passed didn't heal wounds. I accepted that Paker and I wouldn't get back together. It was easier thinking that he had moved on, but seeing him the way I do I felt the guilt. I still put him through shit but I'd still take him back when I shouldn't. He could do so much better, I was indecisive when it came to getting back together because I put the what ifs out there and it wasn't looking good in my head. I don't want to risk it all, I'm not a risk taker.

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