Chapter Forty-Four : i'm in love with her

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Chapter Forty-Four : i'm in love with her


Paige hadn't been in the best mood to go partying and I couldn't blame her. Kayla jumped at the chance of telling her what happened and a reason why she mistreated Paige.  I could see Paige not caring but how bad she wanted too. She's probably also afraid of what might happen if she did come, my moms convinced her that she's the problem, she's cursed or something. Time spent around her is getting harder to get to because we've both gotten busier than we were. My mom has tried to busy me at the house and Kayla doesn't set back off for college until next week. Her mom and dad are trying to make Kayla and Paige bond until then which I know won't do much for them. Paige will only hate Kayla even more, I see the damage that Kayla created every single time I'm around Paige. Trying to force a relationship will only make and cause more problems.

I agreed to go to this party the night in the truck when I was waiting for Paige, I can't back down now Mateo was excited to go and Malcolm actually agreed on leaving Madi for a night to go. Noah was going to be there and I'm now more prone to going knowing that Haylee wasn't going to be there. I let Paige know about the party at school and she seemed okay with it but she also seems okay with a lot of things nowadays, she did ask if Haylee was going though and I told her from what I know and heard that she wouldn't be there. Noah told me she wasn't and I trust it, should I be? I'm not sure, something that Paige had said to him in the hallway a couple days ago stuck because we haven't seen him at his spot. Did he move to another one maybe but in my eyes he's trying, in Paige's I don't think she could care less.

I got out of my truck once Mateo texted that he just walked in and was by Noah's island. The party was at Noah's house, his parents went off a couple days ago doing whatever the hell they did every month. I walked up to the house and started to notice that it was more or less just football, cheerleading and any other part that makes you considered popular.

I walked inside and spotted Mateo instantly before spotting Malcolm over talking to one of the guys on the team. Malcolm has been my best friend since we were young, my feelings for Paige have changed drastically and our end date is coming up soon. Part of me feels like she might feel the same way, but then I doubt. Paige isn't like any other girl that's stepped foot in my life and being rejected from her will really damage my ego, given it might be a good thing. I used to take chances but now with her if I lose her because of how I really feel I'll lose her forever.

I need to talk to him because I can't talk to her or anyone else. I'm just worried that he'll look at me like I'm a fucking idiot. I am, fuck I can't not say anything or else I might really lose my shit.

I walked over to Malcolm who was taking a drink as the guy he was originally talking to was walking the opposite direction now, "Man I miss this, just us boys. I've been in Madis world for too long. We're doing really good, sure it's not like before and I like that it isn't. We're taking it slow and not getting caught up in the shitty parts of life. Of course I know Paige isn't really happy with the idea and I now see why she hates Madi. I look back on the days I was fucking up my life and the fact that Madi wasn't really trying to get me back. She was causing collateral damage but she's better now," Malcolm looked at me and I nodded.

"Paige just sees that you can have better," I said, putting her name in it but also agreeing with the comment she has made several times.

"If she pulls the same shit again," Malcolm laughed but I knew he didn't think it was funny, "I can't end up like you. Sorry to say but you were whipped and were staying with a girl who used you."

"I know, Paige helped me get out of that mindset of taking everyones shit," I looked at him, "Malcolm I should've told you this before but Paige and I were so caught up in our own shit that I never tried to talk to you about it. I need your advice because I don't know what to do anymore things have changed."

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