Chapter Thirty-Five : so why'd you come?

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Chapter Thirty-Five : so why'd you come?


Parker and I told each other confessions when we were drunk, I remember, him bring it up but what he said was still fuzzy but I remember telling him that his hugs gave me peace but in the moment I knew it wouldn't do that so I kissed him to silence it instead and that I wanted to kiss him! Does he know? Shit! I can't even tell if he's flirting or not, I don't know if he's trying to boost my confidence or if he actually likes me and I'm terrified to even ask.

"You've been quiet, if you're regretting coming to my dads we can turn around right now," Parker said.

"No, no I'm not regretting anything. I'm just thinking about Nora," I commented.

"Nora, why?"

"She wanted to come and I didn't want her to invite herself so I told her no and she was disappointed."

I lied, Nora never complained she did tell me though that if Parker's dad was being rude to kick him where it hurts and I knew that's something I taught her when Parker and I used to fight before starting our agreement. I'd always comment that I knew where it'd hurt if he said something else that was douchey and now Nora somehow remembers it and says it but she doesn't know where that place is.

"She wanted to come? I don't think my dad would have a problem with Nora coming, I mean your coming and he didn't have a problem with it. Should we turn around, I mean we're only thirty minutes from the house."

"No, it's fine. She doesn't need to come," I shook my head.

"Are you sure? Paige, I really don't mind turning around," Parker looked at me and then back at the road.

"I'm sure!" I nodded, I knew Nora would sniff out a lie in seconds.

"Oh and we aren't dating, you're just my friend. I mean him and my mom don't communicate and," he stopped talking, "your just a really good friend alright?" I knew he was already stressing about seeing his dad, given it had been since their separation. It'd been years and his own mother couldn't get in the car and come with him, but she encouraged him to go. All he wanted to do was make his mom happy and proud.

"Okay, I can do that," I nodded looking out the window as Parker drove. He wasn't very social, I knew he was thinking a lot and even if I tried to have a conversation I wouldn't get much from him. Sometimes it was better to let him be in his head, I wanted to comfort him but I also knew that holding his hand or touching him wouldn't help with anything so I just focused outside.

After a five hour trip we arrived at his house, Parker drove past it three times before pulling into the driveway. He didn't want to do this and I knew that. This stressed him out a lot and I think he felt alone in the matter.

I grabbed his hand before he got out of the car, "you can do this, I'm right here with you," I mentioned.

"He left and never looked back, he's only looking back now because his new wife wants him to better his relationship with me," Parker got out of the car and I did too. He was focused on the house and he didn't have time to think about opening the door and that's when I knew how terrified he was to see his dad.

I grabbed my phone and keys knowing I had a change of comfy clothes after we stayed for a little and so did Parker. He wouldn't be caught dead sleeping here tonight. He'd drive well into the night if he had too.

Parker hesitated on knocking and was about to back out all together.

"We did not drive all this way to turn around," I grabbed his sleeve and knocked for him, "I will not get into the car with you. I already sat for five hours, give me at least two hours here before we leave again," I said and Parker sighed before turning around.

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