Chapter One : sure he is

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 Chapter One : sure he is


My life was never meant for me to be the main character, I was always the uninvolved side character but in a span of a drunk night call changed it all for better or worse, I still haven't decided yet. I'm not sure how the end will be.

~ Three Days Before ~

I was sitting on my bed reading Pride and Prejudice for school and I must have been so absorbed in Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth's story that I zoned back into reality halfway into a conversation my older sister, Kayla was having with me.

"It's pathetic huh?" Kayla then looked over at me expecting some form of putting my two cents in. But I was already lost on what she was upset about.

"Sorry, I wasn't listening. What did you say?" I answered honestly.

She let out a frustrated sigh and sat down on my bed which I wasn't expecting, Kayla and I were never close. We argued a lot, and her dating Connor, one of my longtime best friends bothered me. I was actually waiting for him to ask me out before he started dating Kayla. I guess feelings changed when he came over one night and saw her, I became stuck in the friendzone. It still bothers me, seeing them happy when I should've been the happy one with him and not her. Kayla always got everything handed to her, and that's just for being beautiful while I got the boring bland Porter genes and she got my moms Harrison genes.

"Is it pathetic for me to want a break in college away from Connor?" she looked at me then and I bit my tongue trying not to yell at her and tell her what a bitch she was for being this way.

Connor adored Kayla, he'd do anything for her if she asked. I see how happy he is with her and how much it's killing him to see her go to college out of the state. She tortures him with leaving and now this? This is by far over the limit of bullshit I can handle from her.

"Do you even love him?" I asked out loud and she looked offended when I asked.

"What kind of question is that, Paige? Of course I do!" she shot back.

"Then why want a break? Why?"

"I'm in college, long distance will be hard and I don't know I want to experience college!" she stood up like what I was about to say would make things worse so she was preparing to leave.

"Long distance was never meant to be a walk in the park! You work for hard things or have you never worked for anything in your life?" I asked a rhetorical question not expecting an answer because truth was everyone knew the answer.

"You know what never mind forget I asked," she walked out my room just like I knew she would.

I looked back down at my book and didn't want to work on the homework I was assigned anymore, she ruined any motivation I had left in my body.

I called Mason and waited until he answered.

"Hey bitch, whatcha need?"

"Hey, I just wanted to check up on you," I folded the corner of the page I hadn't read yet in my book and slowly closed it.

"Awww babes you shouldn't of," I heard him smiling, "Well I'm doing good, even better after finding out Brooks, one of the hotties on the football team came out so I, as a very gay, driven sexy man, am going after my dreams and getting Brooks to fall in love with me. It's going to happen, it has to happen. Also side question, what color are we feeling on my nails, red or black?"

"Are you doing acrylics or just painting them?" I situated myself in my bed.

"Just painting, next paycheck you and I are getting our nails done."

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