Chapter Forty-Three : are you paying attention to me?

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Chapter Forty-Three : you pay attention to me?


~ Three Weeks Later ~

Parker and I were at his locker, his bruises have healed but he just has been having a hard time with his broken ribs.

"Hey what if we go on a hike?" Malcolm asked looking more at the two of us.

"A hike?" I looked at Malcolm like he asked the dumbest question, "did you not realize that Parker has two broken ribs and you think a hike is a good idea?"

"I'm not asking him to hike a mountain, but like I know you like hikes," he commented and that I did like. Hiking was usually something I did to clear my mind though.

"Right but Parker is still healing from his ribs," I said again like he didn't understand it the first time.

"I'm okay, I'm just sore," Parker said and I looked at him like he had lost his damn mind.

"No," I shook my head, "you're not," I sighed frustrated, "you're not going on a hike."

"If it gets hard I'll tell you," he looked down at me and pushed some hair behind my ear while looking at me like he was in love with me and for a second I almost believed it.

"It better be the easiest trail there is," I looked at Malcolm and he nodded.

"It will be, oh and I invited Noah and Haylee to join, also gave Connor the option too. With you me, Parker and Madi," he smiled before darting in the opposite direction.

I looked at Parker and he knew the first thought that came to my mind, "No," he shook his head, "just think at least Kayla wasn't invited."

"You're pushing me down those stairs so I can break something," I mumbled, grabbing his hand as Noah hit Parker's back for the fifth time since we've come back to school.

Parker winced a little and I smack Noah, "I'll fuck you up," I glared at him, since Parker has gotten hurt and I blame myself for all of the damage and the amount of rage that is inside of me now that I know both of Parker's parents hate my guts, I have been showing my anger towards others who hurt him.

"Shit, I keep forgetting he's hurt," Noah commented, "so I heard we're going on a hike?"

"Something like that," Parker said and he tried to put his book bag on his back but I took it from him.

"Are we going to smoke?" Noah asked.

"You came over here for a reason, what is it?" I hated Noah, with a passion, my trust in him was broken in more pieces than one.

"Paige," Parker tried to calm me down, he knew how angry I had been, my temper had been short. I've surrounded myself around him for the past three weeks when I could. I took care of him when his mom was working but the second his mom pulled in the driveway I left. I'm paying off the hospital bill and his mom knows I am and she argued about it with me for a while but finally gave in. If Parker knew though he'd be really mad at me.

"I want to apologize for," he started and I just rolled my eyes.

"This is the third time this week for apologizing to try to get with me, you do realize if I let you fuck me you wouldn't be apologizing to Parker because techincally I'd be your bitch like Haylee is."

"It's not just Parker I'm trying to apologize to Paige," Noah said like he was actually being sincere.

"You can apologize a thousand times and you'll still get the same reaction, I don't care. I'll start to forgive you when I see a change but to me you're the same guy that you were at the party. Desperate."

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