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FYI I work 3 jobs, I'm not home between 6 am and 7 p.m. and I have a young puppy to take care of, moving houses + chores and regular duties to do. So I update when I can in short bursts of a chapter between 1,000 and 3,000 words, which means each chapter varies in length.

Which means even though its update number 27, doesnt mean its chapter 27, if you have a problem with how 'slow' this story is moving cause its only chapter '27' and blah blah, maybe have a look at the content of it. My characters arent going to jump into bed the first second like omg HOT BOSS YES LETS SLEEP like yeah no. If you dont like it, dont read it. Simple!! Keep the annoying comments to yourself, if you dont like the story, that's fine, comment that and go away. There is such thing as a life where duties, adult responsibilities and work come first. Just because its 'chapter 27' doesnt mean its at the end of the book, i like taking time with stories and that's my style if you dont like it, DONT READ. 

For everyone else who has been SO patient and supportive and kindly reminding me, I appreciate you all SO SO SO Much. The rest of you spam trolling youngins, you'll understand how precious time is when you get older. I litreally write between 2 and 3 am because I have no other time in my day and I have to wake up by 5 am to get ready for work and walk the dog and all that shit so I'm really stretching ends here to make this work. 

I can't even rant cause im like blah dont have time to rant.


"You're doing it again," Gabriel muttered after a few minutes of silence

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Taping your feet."

Was I? I made sure to sit very still, almost like the statue that should be in this fountain, "I'm sorry, it's a habit." 

"I can tell, what are you thinking about this time?"

"Oh nothing important."


"I was just wondering if the mosquitoes in Greece bit you, would you get the same reaction as you would get back at home," I scratched my arm subconsciously feeling itchy all of a sudden. I knew these pesky bugs were trying to eat me alive.

I turned my head to see Gabriel staring at me with an expression on his face, "Seriously? That's what goes on in your head."

"Yeah, I feel them buzzing all around me. Don't you?" I asked him. By the lack of his response, perhaps he wasn't. But then again he was wearing a suit, with not much skin visible unlike me, so obviously the mozzies weren't attracted to him.

Why would they want to wiggle through that awfully tight suit that was stuck to him like a second skin when they could feast on my skinny arms but fat shoulders that were all exposed. Ha, take that Gabriel, even the mozzies liked me better than you.

I pulled out my phone that I was hiding, strapped to my shoes and starting aimlessly scrolling through Instagram, at least this way I could fidget less.

"Another message from Kyle?"

"No, I'm trying to keep myself occupied so you don't yell at me for breathing next," I muttered as I kept scrolling. Why was instagram so boring, maybe I should get Fern to send me some of the pictures he had so I could post and make everyone jealous that I was in another country.

"Just checking all is well in lovers paradise," Gabriel raised his palms, surrendering.

"Why are you so obsessed with my relationship, go get your own."

"I have one."

"A real one," I pointed out, "How come you don't have a girlfriend, have you ever had one?"

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