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Did he have to say it so loud.

I beat him before he could open his mouth, "Kyle, Kyle is just here for a meeting with uh Christine."

Kyle turned to stare at me his green eyes confused, "W-what,no I-," and I returned a pointed look at him. Gabriel shrugged, of course not like he could care less, "Get me the report Rodriguez."

I nodded. He disappeared behind the door and I looked at Kyle, "Get out."

"Aurora...don't be like that."

"Seriously Kyle, you're going to get me fired. I told you to text me, not just rock up to where I work."

Kyle rolled his eyes giving me that smirk I always liked, "Whatever, come on aren't you going to give me a welcome home hug?"

I shook my head but seeing his raised eyebrows, pointed look and a frown, I sighed. Damn it puppy dog faces were always my weakness. I looked at Gabriel's door and closed blinds, surely he wouldn't walk out again would he?

I grabbed the report that he wanted off my desk, and walked over to Kyle, "Hug and you're out, got it?"

He nodded. 

Rolling my eyes I walked over giving him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, "Out now, I will text you after work."

Kyle's arm wrapped around my waist as I tried to pull away, "Kyle!" I hissed trying to get out of his grip looking at the door, "Stop!"

That was it, Gabriel was going to walk out, see us, and fire me. There goes the money and goes my apartment and I was going to land on the road asking for money and food like other homeless people.

This was the end.

"Babe please, I just came home after a month and this is my welcome, not even a kiss."

I sighed, he had a point, "You know how mean my boss is," I whispered, the last thing I needed was him to hear, I swear Gabriel had ears like no one else, or maybe there were recoding devices everywhere...I really had to look into that. How else did he know everything.

"One kiss and I'll go."

I grumbled looking at the closed door, one kiss couldn't hurt...right. "Fin-," Before I could grumble it out I felt those familiar warm lips on my mouth and I almost melted agains this chest, almost because the sound of someone coughing made us jump apart.

I'm so fired.

"Shit." I stepped on Kyle's shoe making me nearly trip over the non-existent fold on my carpet and nearly falling face first if Kyle's reflexes weren't that fast. But I guess working in the navy gave you fast reflexes. 

I straightened myself and I wasn't sure if I was meant to be relieved that it was Fern.

"Fern! What a surprise, meet uh Kyle, Kyle this is Fern who is Mr. Parish's....everything." there was no other way to describe it.

Fern gave us a knowing look as I straightened my shirt clearing my throat, Fern better not tell Gabriel anything, I will skin him alive.

After they exchanged pleasantries Kyle shoved the flowers into my face, "I'll see you after work." and rushed out.

Bum, he could have done that when I asked him too and avoided this whole escapade. I sniffed the flowers taking in the lovely smell when Fern turned to look at me.

"You better hide those."


"Gabriel doesn't like flowers."

I scoffed, "Of course he doesn't."

I walked back to my seat putting the flowers under my desk out of Gabriel's vision, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the type to throw them away when I wasn't looking. 

The door flung open and stormy grey eyes met mine and I winced, was he glaring, wait no,  he was always like that. 

Gabriel Parish, the man who never smiled.

Hey that actually sounded catchy.

"Oh, Carly," Fern said standing up form his seat when the woman strode out of the office.


I jumped realising I had spaced out, "My office now."

I groaned silently looking over to Fern and Carly chatting away animatedly. Great, what did I do now. Probably going to tell me off about Kyle, and how I shouldn't have visitors and shit. 

I rushed over as he waited not so patiently holding the door open, trying not to trip over in the heels, maybe I needed to take some walking lessons from Carly.

"Sit down."

I nodded watching as he walked around the table, he stood for a few moments in silence before he sat down and he shifted in his chair.


Like he was almost thinking of what to say and that was strange, because Gabriel Parish always got to the point, never looking so...confused.

"Miss Rodriguez."

"Yeah?" I asked after he made no comment to finish the sentence.

"What dress size are you?"

There was silence, a very long pause as he stared intently at me. 

"Excuse me?" I asked. Did he mean to ask me when a dress fitting for the wedding was in case I needed more leave?

Gabriel looked up his grey eyes meeting mine, "Size. You know in clothing."

I paused and stared at him as he just returned the look back at me, he wasn't smiling, or frowning, he had a poker face and I wasn't sure if I heard right, or if this was some joke.

"W-why sir?" not it was my turn to shift in my chair, why was he looking at me like that?

"Not to seem disrespectful but isn't that a bit strange to ask and a bit private?" like hell I was going to hell him my dress size, I was no where near close to Carly's dress size, no where near.

"Oh," he carelessly shrugged, "You know that, uh," He cleared his throat crossing his arms across his chest and leaning back in his chair, "Business meeting. There is a well...award ceremony and we are ordering clothes for all the staff, I thought you might want a nice dress too."

"It's fine I can bring my own dress." I had a few nice ones I could bring along. Gabriel narrowed his eyes at me, "No, we are already ordered them, I just need your size."

"But if you already ordered it, then you wouldn't need to ask me?" I asked. Since when does the company pay for dresses. This better not be a separate payment run.

The door flew open and Fern busted in looking flustered, "I just read your email are you fucking serious right now Gabe?" and then he saw me and closed his mouth. I leaned back in my seat looking between them.

What the hell is going on? Maybe he asked for Fern's pant size. 

"Rory, can you give us a minute." Fern asked. 

I nodded jumping up from my seat, more than happy to. This was weird. 

"No I'm talking to her Fern." Gabriel said an irritated yet whiney tone that made me look over my shoulder.

"You can, after." Fern replied back in a more stronger, demanding voice. It was like the tables have flipped and it made me super confused. Fern looked at me nodding at the door and I walked towards it. 

"Rodriguez tell me your size." Gabriel said as I was walking out and I looked over my shoulder.

"Just ignore him," Fern said shoving me out, pushing my shoulder with his stronger arm, and slammed the door shut on my face.  


Of course.

Kept out of the loop once again.

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