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I hated doing payment runs, especially when the computer decided to bloody freeze. You have got to be kidding me. There was no way I wanted to reenter fifty pages of calculations and vendors into the system again. This was a shit system, why doesn't Gabriel invest in something better? 

Not like he would care he wasn't the one doing these stupid runs, I've been asking for months and he still hasn't done anything.

I sighed leaning back in my chair looking at the clock, it was now seven, I don't even get paid for working overtime. Stupid office, stupid work.

I leaned in my chair looking at Richard's back I could see, what the hell have they been gossiping about for the past hour?

Maybe I should buy a recording device and leave it in Gabriel's office, I was really curious to what the men did behind closed doors. Getting too curious for my own good I grabbed the payment pile and out of my seat not bothering to slip my heels back on. No one was here.

Walking over to the door I hovered close, close enough for me to hear them speak, but not close enough to hear everything.

"He can forge some documents to make it look real." a voice said.

Was that Richard?


Oh my god my boss was a fraud.

I leaned back rushing back to my table, forging what. What the hell were they forging. And Richard shouldn't be suggesting such things! I collapsed into my chair moving the mouse, nope, computer still frozen.

There was something definitely going on under my nose, first he wanted to know if I could draw, now he was going to forge something. What could it be?

I tapped my finger on my chin frowning not realising the door had opened and two men were staring at me.

"Miss Rodriguez!"

I jumped in my chair my heart leaping into my throat as I looked up, "What?" I snapped.

Gabriel's eyes narrowed, "What are you still doing here?"

Just meditating, what does he think?

"Doing a payment run for Carl." I said as I quickly typed something. 

"Go home you can do it tomorrow."

I did a double take, did he just tell me to go home, the man that never let me leave till work was done. Yes, there was something definitely up then. Nodding I grabbed my things, more than happy to leave this shitty place. 

* * * 

Coming to work on a Friday always made me happy, ecstatically happy because that meant I got the next two days off to go wild.

By wild I meant, curl up on my couch drinking and eating ice-cream without needed to go anywhere. I call that wild. 

But I knew something was off when I waked to my desk and no one was there, Fern wasn't there, Gabriel's office had the lights off and it was dark and I double checked the date on my phone,  yep, it was Friday , and there were some people in the staff area so where the hell were these two?

Nevertheless I sat down switching on my computer when I heard the sound of clicking heels against the tiles and looked up, and sure enough a young woman walked in. She turned her head to look at me smiling, her lipstick was bright, matching the scarlet dress she had on. Her blonde hair was in a bun and I wanted to ask her what product she used as her bun was flawless.

I had only just got to work and my bun was no doubt already loose.

"Hi," she greeted me, confidently walking towards my desk, "I'm here to see Gabriel." she said as she looked at the room. 

I grabbed my file looking at his meeting, "He has no appointments this morning, but you can take a seat and he can see you once he arrives." I said. I felt like I was telling a patient in a doctor's room to wait. I looked back at today's date, his entire schedule was empty. That was weird.

She gave me a smile and walked over sitting in the seat opposite Fern desk as I switched on my emails, did he send me something and I completely forgot? But no, so who was she?

None of my business. But it was because Gabriel had more visits from Richard this week than ever and I wanted to know if she had anything to do with the fraud and forging they were going to do. 

I grabbed the payment I still had to do from yesterday, casting a look over to the lady. She was on her phone not phased that she had to wait. She bore no resemblance to my horrible boss so she wouldn't be a family members, because wouldn't the just call him to meet up?

Or who knows, not me that was for sure. What was her name? Crap I forgot to take her name.

I heard the sound of a door slamming, in a distance and nearly jumped in my seat, ten bucks that was him. And sure enough the heavy footsteps followed and Gabriel strode into the room his eyes immediately finding me and marching to my desk.

Oh man, I didn't really want to deal with his shitty attitude today. 

"Rodriguez cancel all my meetings today I need you to reschedule those meetings for next Wednesday."

"But sir you have no meetings toda-,"

"I don't care cancel them all I have more important matters, and no one can disturb me understood?" I nodded feeling those intense eyes burning me and then shook my head. Okay, don't listen to me. 

"Mr. Parish." I cleared my throat. 

"What is it now?" He asked as he was about to walk away, I nodded over to the guest we had that he just noticed.

"Oh that's right, Carly follow me."

The woman got up from her seat following him into the office that shut with a slam and I stared at the blinds as they were shut, so, they did know each other. I wonder what the hell was going on.

Just keep your nose in your own business if you want this job. 

I don't want this job though, I just want the money. 

The sound of a voice clearing their throat distracted me,  and I looked up, "Just be a moment." I told him as I clicked confirm, maybe I could just email Sir-otic that way I won't have to talk to hi-wait.

I looked back up, my eyes slowly widening and my jaw slightly dropping.

"Hey babe."

I froze.

"Rodriguez, where the fuck is the report I asked you for-," I looked up at the new voice, great, I was going to be fired for having friends in the office.

Parish gave him a nod thinking he was just someone else for a meeting but then did a double take seeing the flowers in his hand, "Rodriguez who is this?"

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