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I almost regretted not taking Adonis on his offer of dinner, because it was another night with that grandmother of Gabriel's, staring at me as I drank my pumpkin soup. I was in another uncomfortable dress that Richard had picked out, never had I experienced such interest in what I was wearing.

It was another blue dress because apparently my wardrobe consisted mainly of blue and black, not that I was complaining, but Richard definitely was complaining. The time between courses was far too long, meaning that I was getting more glares than last night, as well as her mumbling in Greek to Gabriel who just sat there rigid focused on his meal.

I reached for the wine glass, when I felt a hand on my knee. I froze. Through the thick material, I could still feel the heat from the palm as it tightened on my knee and I nearly choked on the wine.

I felt Gabriel's warm breathe on my shoulder before I heard him mutter quietly, "Don't you think you should slow down on that wine?"

I could see his grandmother's face from the corner of my eye. I pursed my lip, turning  my head slightly, "But it's the only thing making this bearable." I said. Gabriel sat back up as main course was served, his hand still on my knee, and I put my wine down. Perhaps he was right, I didn't need a hangover like yesterday.

I looked at the piece of fish on my plate, the entire body of the fish was still there, including the head, eyes and...mouth. Oh great, I really should have gone to get dinner with Adonis  instead. 

There was salt all over the plate and I wondered if I was meant to eat the salt as well. 

I reached down, my fingers brushing Gabriel's wrist as I moved his hand off my knee. It was weird, and I didn't like it.

Everyone else seemed to be loving the fish, while I nibbled on the bread. I tried it, I didn't like it. I played with my fork pulling flesh out of the fish and placing it around my plate, pretending that I was eating it. I could really go for a souvlaki right about now, why couldn't we eat souvlaki for dinner instead. Why did we need all these fancy meals that I just didn't like.

Call me cheap but I really preferred easy, comfort food than all these fancy ones. Kyle and I never dined out, and if we did it was at a casual restaurant than once of those, book a week in advance, places. Even then we would complain the entire time about the food and the prices and resort to buying a pizza on the way home.

After main number one, was main number two, a red capsicum stuffed with rice, herbs and what looks like some meat. Okay I could get with this, and another four glasses of wine went down quite well. Of course, I took the at a slow pace which earned no more weird side looks from Gabriel. 

I was surprised even with myself lasting till the end of this dinner, heading up the stairs, my heels in my hands, following behind Gabriel and Richard who were discussing something in hushed voices. 

"Tomorrow? Why so fast?" I could hear Gabriel in between sentences.

"We only have five more days Gabriel." Richard said.

I tuned out, I couldn't wait to get upstairs and change out of this dress, I couldn't breathe and the zip was digging into my spine reminding me that I was not a free woman yet. 

"Miss Rodriguez!"

I looked up, swaying as one Gabriel, became two,and then one again. Oh man I needed to get out of this dress.

"Yes Sir?" I asked trying to breathe. I was scared that the dress was just going to pop. 

"Be up early tomorrow. We have A lot of work to do."

"Sure sir." I nodded, holding the railing as I felt like I was going to faint. Thankfully, I had made it to my room, just before the zip on my dress broke, and I didn't care because I could breathe.

I had to get rid of these old dresses. 

* * * 

The next morning Gabriel was back in my balcony having breakfast. I just never understood why he had to eat here, but I guess the view was stunning.

Who was I to complain anyway? He paid me quite handsomely and I would let him get away with murder.

I tied my hair up, stretching my legs out at I grabbed a second chocolate baguette. These were so addictive I wished I could pack a few in my bags to take back home. But then I might not be fitting into any dresses, I could barely survive last nights one. 

Gabriel's eyes were focused on his iPad, staring at something so intently that I was surprised it didn't snap in half. I almost wondered if I was meant to be staring at my phone, just as intently so I could pretend that I was working. Surely every hour was work time since he was paying for it.

But eating these chocolate desserts from breakfast was just too heavenly. 

"I need you to re-schedule something." he said after a few minutes. 

"Gabriel, where are you?"

I paused mid bite, as Gabriel looked up behind me, "Oh god, is that your grandmother again," I groaned, trying to quickly chew the baguette. She was probably going to come by and tell me I was too fat to be eating these delights.

"Quick, kiss me."

My eyes widened, as I looked up, trying to see if my boss was on FaceTime and asking someone else to kiss him. No, his intense eyes were not looking at me, and I sucked in a breathe, a piece of half chewed, soggy baguette getting trapped in my airways making me choke. 

His intense grey eyes stared at me as I tried to breathe, "What?" I gasped, trying to clear my air ways out. Was it just me, or did he suddenly lose his min? Did he just go from rescheduling to kissing? No, surely not. 

It must have been something else, maybe it was miss, bliss or perhaps even piss?

But all the thoughts in my mind were swiped as he stood up from his chair as I tried patting my throat to get the piece out. I looked up stunned, his tall frame hovering over me as he grabbed  my arm with such force, he pulled me up roughly that the rest of the baguette I was holding fell out of my as he pulled me up.

And suddenly, the man I had worked for, for three years, who had never even touched me in the slighted, and his lips pressed against mine as his hand on my lower back pushed me flush against his strong chest. 

And the piece of half eaten baguette that was lodged in my throat, only made me choke further. 

Insta: imsooverpolice

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