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"I can't believe you said my breath smells like stale chewing gum, I also can't believe you know what that smell is to put a name like that on it."

Gabriel peered over the menu, I could see his stone cold eyes staring at me, before he raised both his eyebrows sighing, lowering the menu.

"Are you still going on about it?"

Perhaps I mentioned it a few times, on the way back from the hike, in the car to Fern and Gabriel and now at the restaurant where we were pretending to be on a date to make up for our fight or whatever concoction of a dumb story Fern was making up. Yes, I did go on about it for a bit, but I couldn't get over it so I was going to continue to go on about it.

I looked up, staring at him hard, "Of course I am, that was rude you know."

"It was a compliment..."

"I don't see how it is," I said as I looked back at the menu, there wasn't much on the menu but it was still taking us a long time to pick. I could see Fern from a table far away from us, he better be taking pictures quickly so we could leave.

Maybe I should order something small so I could scoff it and leave, I felt so out of place in this restaurant. Fern drove us home so we both could change into more appropriate clothing, so it looked like we were out on a different day. 

Was a photo album really necessary for his satan of a grandmother? Surely some photoshopped pictures would do the job. 

"I'm saying your breath was not bad."

"For some reason I feel like stale chewing gum...is a stinky smell."

Gabriel sighed, looking back at the menu instead, deciding that his answer was going to be silence. Probably a smart move because I was no where near dropping this.

"Change the subject." 

"About what? What else can I talk about with my boss that's not work or stale chewing gum related?"

Gabriel looked up another weird look on his face as he regarded me, "You seem to be doing a lot of the talking anyway, so I'm sure you'll find something to talk about."

"Fine," I muttered looking at the menu for the tenth time, not being able to focus on what I wanted. 

"So why did you need me, surely you have some other female acquaintances that you could rely on right?" I asked, when he didn't reply I leaned in, "Wait, you don't."

"I don't see how that's any of your business."

"Well it's this or stale chewing gum, take your topic."

Gabriel leaned back in his chair, his arms were on the table, either side of the plate, one hand's fingers taping agains the expensive white satin cloth.

"Not much of a range,"

"Okay I'll add a new one, so why are we pretending. Fern didn't tell me the whole story," I said.

Judging byt he look Gabriel had, it was another off the list topic.

"You're being very inquisitive into my personal life," Gabriel pointed out, rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt. 

"Hey you got me involved remember, so spill the deets boss."

Gabriel looked uncomfortable as he shifted in his chair sitting upright, "No reason for you to know seeing as your my employee."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you even listening? I just said you got me involved in this mess in a non professional manner so the least you can do is tell me."

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