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"Hello? Did you not hear me?"

It was apparent that he did hear me, he just chose not the reply, and that was very like him. Ignoring me in meetings, down the corridor, sometimes he shuts the door on purpose so I don't annoy him.

I guess you could get annoyed at my voice, hell, I get annoyed at it, especially when I listen to voice recordings of it. But a normal reasonable person would reply, right?

"Gabriel...why are you taking your shirt off-oh, now you're taking your pants off as well?"

Gabriel paused, thought about it then buttoned them back up again.

"I don't like sleeping in these clothes. I get hot very easy."

And I get cold, welcome to biology 101. Maybe whoever created us did it on purpose, well most likely did cause why else would self sufficient, independent, smart, gorgeous, queens want to reproduce with...man childs?

"Well...why don't you put on pyjamas. Like normally people."

"I don't like them."

"But they are specifically designed for sleeping conditions. There's cotton, the best in my opinions, it's really breathable and then there is silk. Super expensive and to be honest I don't think it's that comfortable sleeping in them but maybe it's cause i can't afford pure 100% silk ones so i normally get the ones with half-,"


Right, my cue to shut up. But I couldn't, maybe it was the adrenaline of almost being stuck in a corridor or the pastries, most likely a sugar rush from them, I couldn't help but continue to speak. It was my room after all, he could disappear if he didn't want to hear Aurora 101.1 FM.

"But it doesn't make sense," I pointed out, "What do you sleep in? Naked?" I questioned? I had to know, do rich people have some special sheets cause surely sleeping naked means you have to wash them more often and that is a surge in water bills.

"In my boxers. Not that you need to know" he muttered the last part, probably under frustration. I couldn't understand why explaining a simple thing was so frustrating to him.

Right, I mean I had no issue with him sleeping in his boxers but at the same time I didn't want to see my boss in boxers. Shirtless, I could handle that. But naked male legs? Maybe if I was drunk. Why did we have to shave and they didn't?

"You didn't pack any shorts to change into?"

Gabriel ignored me as he climbed into the slither of space that was his bed, and pulled a blanket over the view of his naked back. You know what his back would be great for? A nice tattoo.

Which may not be a possibility, maybe I should suggest for him to try a henna 'tattoo' sometime. One of my high school friends got married a few years ago and I 'tattooed' every part of my body possible. I did regret it in the pictures later, I should have limited it to my hands. 

I placed the plate on the bed side table and scooted over, giving him a little bit more room to move if he needed to. The only problem was, I was far from asleep and I wanted to chat, which was the least thing Gabriel wanted to do on a good day, let alone a bad day which is what he must be having.

I wanted to ask him who he was talking to, but I had no excuse to why I was eavesdropping, and there is no way he was going to believe that he was being that loud. What if I said Fern told me? Fern should have my back, I think.


The sudden grunt made me jump, was he talking to me? Or the phone? Or had someone snuck into the room?

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