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There is nothing I love more than reading all the comments, it really motivates me to keep updating more and more (And i know i'm a real shocker at this and can't really be requesting your love when i am sooo bad).

"Took you long enough," I called out as Gabriel was walking down the stairs. I sighed as I looked at him, I don't know what he was talking about when he said he was going to 'go get changed', he looked like he was wearing the same damn thing! Tailored pants and a button up shirt. Perhaps they were non suit pants but they still looked like some form of work pants, perhaps chinos? He definitely got them tailored, that part is for sure. 

He ignored me until he reached the bottom stairs and looked up at me, his eyes slowly went from my face to my toes and back, a tight frown appearing on his face. Seemed like we both had different opinions on dressing, but that was a given for years. 

"What?" I asked him, "Doesn't this give you vacation vibes," I looked down at my outfit. I thought it was chic. It was a warm day, so I thought having white shorts, with a green tank top and a white shirt that was unbuttoned was perfect Greece vacation vibes. It was super fashionable.

"No, you look...stupid."

"Excuse me?" I asked shocked. What does this old troll know about fashion these days, but the way his eyes were scrutinising me were making me paranoid. Surely, I looked okay?

Why risk it.

"Fine," I muttered, "I'll go change then," I started making my way past him when his hand jot out, grabbing my wrist. He started walking, pulling me almost backwards after him before letting me go like I was the slimiest thing he had touched. 

"We don't have time, the car is ready."

"Oh...okay," but now I was going to be self conscious the entire time thinking that I looked terrible. But surely if I looked too terrible, he wouldn't let me go out in public like this. It was more of a reputation risk for him more than me. 

I mean he didn't look any better to be honest, he looked like he was going to a work event.

Sure, the shirt was a lighter blue then he normally wears and he did leave the top button undone, still showing no skin but he still looked like how we would at a Christmas lunch. 

I guess he was wearing sunnies, but even then I could see the scowl behind it as I hopped into the car. The man was going to get wrinkles well before 50 with all that scowling and glaring. 

Did I look like his child, who he was picking up from school? Surely not...right?

I buckled up as Gabriel muttered some instructions from the front seat to the driver and we were off on our way. 

"So what exactly are you looking for?"

I looked up, shocked he was speaking to me, or I think he was. His eyes were still glued to his phone, and his fingers were flying across the keyboard. It was only when his index finger paused, hovering just over the screen from pressing a letter, I realised he really was asking me .

Before his eyes could look up to tell me I was taking too long to respond, I quickly replied, and his fingers continued on the phone. 

"Just souvenirs," I shrugged. 

"What type?"

"Any type."

"I need more information than that."

"I'm not sure really, you're male aren't you," I said, Gabriels fingers paused again, "What type of souvenirs would you like?"

Gabriel didn't sigh, but I just knew he was holding back one.

"I don't partake in such activities."

You don't partake in any activities, but that is a fight for another day.

"But let's just say, someone close to you went overseas, what would you like?"

"For them to stay there,"  Gabriel replied, somehow totally in character. 


He was hopeless, a real treasure he was. Then it got me thinking, wait, I was't going to be stuck here right? He was offering me a lot of money, and I said yes, does that mean I have to live here?

What about Kyle? I can't live here, what about my friends?

"Relax would you."

"I didn't say anything!" 

"I can tell, and no, we aren't staying here."

How did he know what I was thinking?

"I've told the driver to take us to a local market," Gabriel grabbed a wallet from inside his pocket, something so thin that I was shocked was holding that much cash. He grabbed a few notes without looking and passed it my way. 

I looked at his outstretched hand, "Do you want me to buy you something?" I asked.

"Did you bring money?" he asked. 

"No, but I guess I can use my phone to pay."

"In another country? Just take it. Let me know if you need more."

"I'll pay you back," I said grabbing the notes and looking down at the currency. They were all 500 euro notes, is that a lot here? Looking at my hand it looked like about 6,500 euros.


I looked up at Gabriel, "I don't know if you know, but i'm about to become rich," I joked.

Normally, Gabriel would just sigh, or scoff, or just be silent.

But this time, he hmph'd, almost like he got the joke, and I swear, I almost saw the corner of his lips go up. Not a lot, just a little. A very, very little.

Did he laugh?

The car lurched to a stop, and I went flying across, landing right on the opposite seat, face plastered against the headrest. 

"That is why you wear a seatbelt."

I sat up, rubbing my chin hoping I didn't hit it too hard. 

"I normally would, but this car has weird facing seats," I mumbled, not that it was an excuse. 

Thankfully I wasn't opposite Gabriel, cause that would hav been awkward. 

But really, how are you meant to sit when it's like a train carriage, why couldn't we have picked a normal car to come in. 

Gabriel hopped out and I followed, it looked like we had stopped just at the start of an alleyway. We must be at the right place because in front of each stop front was attractive and colourful objects, begging for you to come have a look.

Gabriel had his palms crossed behind his back, looking around like he too was about to join me on my souvenir hunt.

Then he turned around, and regarded me with those expressionless eyes.

"Are you coming?"

Was he asking me? Well it was my idea.

"I thought you didn't do souvenir shopping," I said as I quickly regained the lost steps between us.

Gabriel flicked a hanging ornament as he walked past.

"I don't, but you don't know your way around town."

Come join me on insta @nihapupzy just DM me a YELLOW heart for a follow back! 

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