Dilemma p.3

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This... this was what the villager's in her brother's dimension had turned him into? No...no, she couldn't accept that! There has to be another way for him to learn about love again! She would rather kill herself than see her brother die thinking he was always alone, without knowing that everyone around him loved him like a family.

Not like this! Not while she was here and had promised to be there by his side, no matter what!

"That is why I need your help." Kurama said with a sigh. "It may not necessarily be you who he has romantic feelings for — it could be anyone in fact. The main thing is to help him learn how to love... I don't want him wallowing in self-hate and doubt, not after what he had been through because of being my host. Not again."

Kurama was sad and desperate, that much Naruko could tell. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he was afraid of losing the boy he had grown so close to — to be honest, so was she. She had already seen him break down once, in her mindscape. She promised herself to help him through the pain, to be there for him when no one else would.

To help him shoulder the pain, and the burden that was on his shoulders.

So that's why asked me what I first thought of him... – she thought I realization, a small blush on her cheeks, hidden from view lest her brother saw it and questions her about it. – You were confirming if I... if I... –

"Yes, there was a possibility — you can't deny the chemistry that was between the two of you, no matter how small it was. It's still there." Kurama said. "I think I'm partly responsible for you feeling that way. Two parts of the same puzzle are always drawn together in the end."

Kurama-nii, in layman's terms please. I'm hopeless at riddles. –

"You remember that I — which was the Kyūbi that was sealed within Naruto — am from the same dimension as the kit, correct?" he elaborated, causing Naruko to nod mentally.

They were almost at her apartment already, so Kurama had to wrap this up quick. She couldn't afford any distractions whilst in the throes of her cooking. Kami knows what would happen when another 'realization bomb' was dropped on her head.

"Well, you see, I contain only the Yin half of my chakra — the other half is in the Jūbi, but that's a story for Naruto to tell, not me. When I came to this dimension, Naruto only possessed the Yin half of my chakra... but because of your presence, and you were containing my Yang chakra, it forcefully merged the two chakras — in turn the personalities of me and my other self."

"Obviously, I won since I'm talking to you. And about you two being attracted to one another — let me put it this way: imagine you are a puzzle, the Yang half. You get me so far?" Kurama asked. Once Naruko nodded, he continued. "Now, imagine Naruto as being a puzzle that is compatible to you, my Yin half. So, in short, when the two pieces are close together, they resonate. And, by my guess, the side effect of that resonance is..."

What. The. Hell? – Naruko thought in astonishment and slight anger, almost tripping on her own feet as she did. – Are you saying that... because of this... 'resonance' that I am slowly feeling attracted to Onii-chan? Do you know how absurd it is when you said it to my face!? –

"Of course I do." Kurama admitted shamelessly, making Naruko simmer mentally in anger. "But it's just my theory. This is the first time in my millennia of existence that I have time traveled and possess two hosts — cut me some slack will you?" he whined playfully at the end, his tone never losing its amused edge.

Naruko sighed. Great, just what she needed — her feelings influenced by an internal factor. But then, her feelings so far had been genuine, no manipulation whatsoever, and the resonance thing hadn't been too bad so far. It was not as if she would pounce on her brother like some rabid female.

She shivered at the mental image. She prayed to Kami that she wouldn't end up like that.

Naruko closed her eyes when she and Naruto arrived at the main door of her apartment. Taking a deep breath, she let it loose before opening her eyes in determination.

Okay, Kurama-nii. I'll do it. – she thought, before adding. – For Naruto-kun's sake. –

"That's all I ask, vixen. Thank you."

"Hey Naruko-chan, you okay?" Naruto asked beside her. "You've been spacing out a lot when we left the market – something wrong?"

"Nothing." Naruko waved off his concern as she unlocked the door. "I'll tell you in due time, but for now, let's enjoy the night."

Naruto stared at her for moment, cerulean eyes clearly showing that he had not believed her in the slightest, before he relented with a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait."

And he meant it, but he didn't know just how long it was to wait for the reply.

And with that, they entered the apartment, the two of them with a lot on their minds.

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