The wave begins! p.2

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(Long chapter)

Hiruzen sighed. "This could turn out complicated." He offered as he turned to the side, "What do you think Naruto-kun?"

As soon as the words left the wizened Kage's mouth, Naruto's form appeared beside him in a flicker as he released his Tōton Jutsu (Transparent Escape Technique). He had learned this jutsu from Jiraiya during their three year training trip, and Naruto had never been more grateful to Jiraiya for letting him learn it as this jutsu was great for spying and keeping him hidden.

In an instant the boy was hugged from the side as Naruko threw herself in his embrace, causing him to chuckle. Naruto turned to look at the door. "Whatever it is, it's bound to be trouble where he is heading." He said.

Hiruzen looked at Naruto, "Is this one of the major events that is going to happen?" he asked

Naruto nodded as he hugged his sister tighter, "Yes," he said simply, earning a nod in return.

"And you wish to be a part of it?" it was not a question.

"If the possibility presents itself, then yes."

"Very well," Hiruzen smiled as he wrote something down, "You'll be on standby for this mission, as you'll be the backup for Team Seven, and it helps that you completed thirty five D-ranks despite your obvious dislike for them . . ." he said with a chuckle.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as Naruko giggled. "Hey, I like helping out at the orphanage!" he said cheekily.

Hiruzen smiled warmly as he stood and hugged the two Uzumakis, "Good luck you two, and please stay safe . . ."

"We will," they said in unison before they left the office via Naruto's shushin, leaving the old Kage to his own devices.

"Alright, let's head out." Kakashi said as he led the small group out of the village. He was late as usual and they departed at ten instead of seven, with Tazuna along with Sakura in the lead with Sasuke slightly behind them followed by Naruko and Kakashi who were walking side by side. Sakura kept asking questions about Nami no Kuni and what do they do for a living while Sasuke just remained silent the entire way. Naruko meanwhile was keeping her senses sharp as she surveyed her surroundings carefully, looking out for anything unusual which her sensei had noticed with a hidden look of approval.

As they walked down the dirt road on the way to Nami, the group passed by a small puddle by the side of the road. It looked like any other pool, but the chakra Naruko was feeling that was emanating from the puddle said otherwise. She sent a silent gesture to Kakashi who nodded slightly as Naruko moved a few steps in front of Kakashi, acting nonchalant as she asked Tazuna a few questions here and there. Kakashi just continued to read his book.

When they passed the puddle, two figures with slashed horned Kirigakure hitai-ate on their foreheads emerged from the puddle before they leapt out of their hiding spot, their linked chain weapon wrapping themselves around Kakashi's frame since he was closer and they pulled, shredding Kakashi in a shower of bone, meat and blood as his body parts fell to the ground.

"One down," one of the shinobi spoke, "Four to go." He ginned wickedly.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura yelled out in horror at seeing their sensei being ripped to shreds.

Naruko, already expecting the attack, turned and drew her kunai, "Sasuke!" she called, snapping the Uchiha out of his daze.

Sasuke nodded as he unleashed his shurikens, catching one of the chain links with them causing it to be pinned into a nearby tree, pulling the two shinobi with it. They struggled for a few seconds before they released the chains from their metal gauntlets, charging the two Genin with their clawed gauntlets.

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