The Confession p.2

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When the Uzumaki couple had finally left their shared mindscapes, it seemed to them that no time had passed at all after all that had happened between them, but they didn't care nor did they notice. They were far too happy and giddy to let the tense atmosphere in the hall bother them in the slightest.

Alright, let's get started. – Naruto announced. – Some of these questions would make even rookie Jōnin sweat, and the point system that Morino-san laid down earlier was as subtle as a brick to the face: they want us to cheat. –

He could feel the gears shifting in his sister turned girlfriend's mind as she connected the dots easily. She was, after all, a prodigy unlike any other, and he was damn proud of that fact.

So that's why they laid down those rules... I thought it was absurd at first but now it makes perfect sense! – Naruko exclaimed in realization. – They want us to cheat and not get caught while doing it... is that it? –

Right on the money, Naruko-chan. – Naruto replied, pride evident in his tone — yup, definitely smarter than his younger self. – I'll bet they didn't take into account our telepathic bond. Heh... nothing said anything about speaking with your significant other through your head. – he added humorously, earning a mental equivalent of a light smack to the head.

"Heh... I'll say." Kurama's voice echoed throughout their minds, slightly startling them. "Congratulations on becoming an official item you two! You finally got your butts moving long enough to confess you liked one another. Kami, it hurts seeing you two dancing around one another when it's blaringly obvious you're just avoiding the issue..."

The Kyūbi no Kitsune snickered at the blushes covering his hosts' faces. Naruto began mentally spluttering while Naruko just remained quiet, simmering in embarrassment.

Yeah, thanks Kurama-nii. – Naruto said sincerely. – I don't know what I'll do without you...–

"Become utterly miserable while stuffing your face with absurd amounts of ramen?" Kurama supplied cheekily.

One time! – Naruto mentally yelled indignantly, though a grin was curving at his lips. – I did that one time because Sakura rejected me and you'll never let me live it down! Gah! –

Naruko giggled at her small family's antics. It was moments like these that she thanked Kami every day for giving her a family that she could call her own.

Ara, ara, calm down Onii-chan, Kurama-nii. – she giggled. – We still have a test to finish. You can continue your argument after Onii-chan takes me out on our date. –

She felt Naruto send a warm feeling of reassurance through their bond, making her shiver involuntary at the pleasant tingling feeling throughout her body.

"Nah, it isn't an argument," Kurama replied easily, "Just harmless teasing, nothing to be worried about. You'll only need to worry about arguments when Black Zetsu is around..."

She only nodded in understanding. She too would be hard pressed to keep calm when thinking about that thing.

Looking around her, Naruko spotted other participants had also come to the same conclusion as she and her beloved, and were acting accordingly. She saw Hinata and that jerk Neji activating their Byakugans and copying the answers of the hidden chūnin in front of them. She also noticed Shino discretely letting several of his bugs fly out of his sleeves, letting them fly around before coming back to him, and she assumed the bugs transmitted the answers to him.

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