You cheer up your parents

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"Hey, daddy!" You said as you saw Branch come in the room. But he didn't look very happy today. Instead he looked rather depressed, and you saw his blue colors had faded. You looked at him with concern. "Daddy?" You asked. He then noticed you. "Oh. Hey sweetie." He said. "Daddy, what's wrong?" You asked. "Oh. It's nothing you need to worry about, sweetie." Branch said. You frowned. You wanted to know what was wrong. "Okay, I'm going to go play." You said. Branch managed a small smile. "Have fun." You then left the room. As soon as you left, Poppy came in.

"Branch, your colors." She said. "Don't worry, Poppy. I'm fine." Branch said. "You're clearly not fine." She said. "What's the matter?" She asked. Branch sighed and took a deep breath. "Well, it's just... today is... the anniversary of... my grandma's death." He said. Poppy frowned. "Oh." She said. "I always end up losing my colors today. Because I always start thinking about how it was my fault that she died." Branch said. "But it wasn't your fault. You didn't know. You didn't see her coming." Poppy said. "That's exactly my point, Poppy. If I had seen her coming, I could have made a run for it. I could have saved her. But instead I was too distracted with my singing." He said. You frowned as you watched them. You felt bad for Branch. He was blaming himself a lot. "I think I just need some time alone." Branch said before walking away. "Okay." Poppy said. Once he left, you walked into the kitchen where Poppy is. "Mommy?" You asked. She turned around. "Oh! (Y/n)!" She said. "You scared me." She said. "Mommy, is daddy going to be okay?" You asked. Poppy frowned, then sat on a chair and picked you up. "Of course he will, sweetie. He's just... a little down right now. He'll be okay." She said. You smiled at her, but you were worried. A few hours later, you saw Branch working on something. He still looked pretty unhappy. "Daddy?" You asked slowly. "Yes, (Y/n)?" Branch asked. "Do you need any help?" You asked. "No thanks. You should go and play." Branch said. But you didn't leave. You stood next to him. "I want to help you." You said. He sighed. "(Y/n), just go play." He said. "But Daddy, I want to help. Just let me help you. Maybe then you won't have to fix anything for a while." You said. Branch growled a little. "(Y/n), I'm not going to say it again. Go away." He said. "Why don't you play with me then? We'll have fun. We can even-" You stopped when Branch turned around with a threatening glare. "How many times do I have to say it before it gets in your thick head? I don't want you around, (Y/n). Now leave me alone!" He yelled. He then regretted it as he saw slight tears in your eyes. "Oh, (Y/n), I-" he tried to say. But you left and slammed the door. Later Poppy came in and saw Branch sitting by himself and decided to join him. "Branch?" She asked. He looked at her. "I heard what happened with (Y/n) earlier. So I guess I just thought..." she said. "I know. I'm so sorry, Poppy. I never meant to snap at her. I just... maybe I should live by myself for a few days." Branch said as he stood up. "What?" Poppy asked. "Just so I don't hurt anymore of my relationships with you or (Y/n)." Branch said. "Branch, you're not hurting any of our relationships." Poppy said. "(Y/n) just got a little upset, that's all." Poppy said. "I know, but, I don't want to risk hurting you or (Y/n)." Branch said. "You won't." Poppy said. "You don't know that!" Branch snapped. Poppy's eyes widened. Branch looked guilty. "See?" He asked. "I'm leaving." He sighed, then got up and walked away. You walked in the room just in time to see Poppy's pink fading. Tears welled up in your eyes and you ran to her. "No! Mommy don't lose your colors too!" You sobbed. Poppy gasped and turned around. "(Y/n)." She said. You hugged her and she hugged you too. "I- I'm sorry, (Y/n). They're not gone forever, I just... I'll be right back okay, sweetie?" Poppy asked. You looked at the floor and nodded. But the next few days got worse and worse. Branch and Poppy were still gray, and they barely spoke to each other. You didn't want to show it, but this made your color start to fade a little too, and this hasn't happened to you since those bullies back at school. You decided to go and talk to Grandpa Peppy about it. Before you opened the door to leave, Poppy saw you. "Where  are you going, sweetie?" She asked. "Oh. Um... I'm just going to see Grandpa for a while." You said. Poppy smiled a little. "Okay, have fun." She said. You smiled back, then left the bunker. You went to Peppy's house and knocked on the door. "Come in." He said. You opened the door and went inside. Peppy smiled when he saw you. "Well, if it isn't my little Princess." He said. You giggled and ran over, then you hugged him. He hugged you back. He then frowned when he saw your colors faded a little. "Oh, sweetie. Your colors." He said. You frowned. "Yeah. Mommy and daddy have been fighting." You said. Peppy's eyes widened. "Oh." He said. You sat on his lap and explained everything. "It started when daddy remembered his grandma's death and it made him sad and lose his colors. Mom tried to help him but now she's sad too." You said. "Oh, I see." Peppy said. "What should we do, Grandpa?" You asked. Peppy smiled. "Well, I do have some ideas in mind." He said.

Later that day, you decided to have a talk with your mother. "Hey, mommy?" You asked. She turned and smiled at you. "Yes, (Y/n)?" She asked. "Can I ask you something?" You asked. She smiled. "Sure." Poppy sat down on a chair and she picked you up and you sat on her lap. "Remember that time when you lost all hope because you thought that all of the pop trolls were going to be eaten by The Bergens?" You asked. Her eyes widened. "Of course I remember." She said. You smiled. "And do you remember who brought that hope back to you?" You asked. Poppy smiled softly. "Branch did." She said. "And what song did he sing?" You asked. Poppy smiled again. "True colors." She said. "How did it go?" You asked. Poppy smiled before she sung a few lines. "I see your true colors. Shining through I see your true colors. And that's why I love you." Soon her gray turned back to pink. You smiled and hugged her and she hugged back. "That was the first time he told me that he loved me." Poppy smiled. "Maybe Daddy just needs a little help getting his hope back too." You said. This gave her an idea. Later Poppy found Branch by himself. "Branch?" She asked. "Poppy." He said as he looked at her. Poppy stepped closer. "Remember that song you sung to me back when we were about to be eaten by The Bergens?" She asked. Branch smiled a little. "Of course I do." He said. Poppy walked next to him. "And why did you sing that to me?" She asked. "Why? Because you had lost all of your hope and happiness, and I wanted you to be happy again." He said. "And I want you to be happy again too, Branch." She said. "That song, you remember how it goes, right?" Poppy asked. Branch chuckled. "Yeah, I remember." He said.


You with the sad eyes

Don't be discouraged, oh I realize

It's hard to take courage

In a world full of people

You can lose sight of it all

The darkness inside you

Can make you feel so small

Show me a smile then

Don't be unhappy

Can't remember when

I last saw you laughing

This world makes you crazy

And you've taken all you can bear

Just call me up

'Cause I will always be there

And I see your true colors

Shining through

I see your true colors

And that's why I love you


So don't be afraid to let them show

Poppy and Branch

Your true colors

True colors are beautiful

I see your true colors

Shining through (true colors)

I see your true colors

And that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show

Your true colors

True colors are beautiful (they're beautiful)

Like a rainbow

Oh oh oh oh oh like a rainbow

At the end of the song, Branch had his blue colors back. He smiled at her. "Thank you, Poppy." He said. She smiled. "I love you, Branch." She said. He smiled. "I love you too, Poppy." He said. Then they hugged. You squealed, then ran over and hugged them and they hugged back. "Are you two happy now?" You asked. They both smiled. "Yes, we are." Branch said. 

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