You Play With Your Parents

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"Play with me!" You said. Branch was working on fixing something in the bunker. "Not now, (Y/n)." He said. You whined. "Please?" You asked. "I'm busy. Go play with mommy." He said. You sighed. You had been trying to get Branch to play with you for hours, but Branch kept ignoring you, telling you to play with Poppy instead. But you wanted to play with both of them. You sighed and began to walk away. But then an idea came to mind. You smirked, then turned around. "Oh, daddy." You said. "Yes, (Y/n)?" He asked. You then grabbed the tool he was using. "Hey!" Branch said. You laughed as you ran out of the room. "(Y/n)! Come back!" Branch said as he chased you throughout the bunker to get his tool back. You giggled as you ran away from him. "(Y/n)! Come on! Give it back!" Branch said. "You have to catch me first!" You said. "(Y/n)!" Branch said. He continued to chase you through the bunker. Poppy then noticed as she saw Branch chase after you. "(Y/n), I said stop!" Branch said. "Whoa, whoa. What's going on here?" Poppy asked. "(Y/n) took the tool I was using! I need it to fix the bunker!" Branch said. "He's been working on the bunker all day! I just want to play!" You said. Poppy sighed, then picked you up and took the tool away. "(Y/n), sweetie, you really shouldn't bother daddy right now. How about you and I play something?" Poppy asked. You sighed, then smiled. "Okay." You said. Poppy gave Branch the tool back. "Thank you." He said. Branch then walked away. "So, what do you want to play?" Poppy asked. "Let's reenact how you met daddy!" You said. "Oh! Okay! How?" Poppy asked. "You can be you, and I can be daddy! And we can take turns being the other trolls." You said. "Alright." Poppy said. That afternoon, while Branch was still fixing the bunker, he heard parts of your game with Poppy. "How do you always look on the bright side? There is no bright side!" You said. "What?" Branch asked. He looked at you and Poppy. "There's always a bright side!" Poppy said. Poppy then turned on a bright light and imitated Bridget. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Now he understood. You and Poppy were outing out the time The Snack Pack was taken by Chef. Branch knew he should get back to work, but he couldn't help but watch you imitate him. Branch watched that two of you act out the first movie, until Poppy noticed him. "Oh hey Branch." She smiled. "Hi, daddy." You said. "Daddy? I thought you were me right now." Branch smirked. You blushed a bit out of embarrassment. You didn't know he had been watching you pretend to be him. "Um..." You said. "No, no. I'm (Y/n). Mommy and I are just playing a game." You said. "Oh. I see. Can I join?" He asked. "Sure." Poppy said. You frowned. "Aw, but I was supposed to be daddy." You said. Branch laughed. "You can still have my role if you want." Branch said. "But then who are you gonna be?" Poppy asked. "I can be Chef. Which characters are taken?" Branch asked. "Well, (Y/n) is you, I'm me, and (Y/n) and I take turns between The Snack Pack. I was playing Bridget too. You can be some of the Snack Pack members if you want. Like Biggie or Cooper." Poppy snickered. "Haha. Very funny." Branch said. You, Poppy and Branch spent the rest of the day acting out the first movie together. Branch took role as Chef, Creek, and some of The Snack Pack members, while you played as Branch, Poppy played as herself and Bridget. You were so happy that Branch was finally playing with you.

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