You get sick

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Today was a school day, so you were supposed to wake up early, but for some reason, you felt awful, so you couldn't even get up. "Ugh." You groaned as you sat up. Suddenly someone knocked on your door. "(Y/n)?" Poppy asked. She opened the door. "Hey, mom." You said. "(Y/n) come on. It's time for school." Poppy said. You nodded and slowly got out of bed. You get dressed and went to the kitchen. Poppy gave you your breakfast. But you didn't eat it. Poppy noticed something was off. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" She asked. "I... not really." You said. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I don't know. But I don't feel so good." You said. Then Branch walked in. "Morning, Poppy." He said. "Good morning, Branch. (Y/n) stay there. Let me get the thermometer." Poppy said. "What's wrong?" Branch asked. "(Y/n) says she doesn't feel well." Poppy said. Poppy then got the thermometer and took your temperature. "Oh." She said. "Is it bad?" Branch asked. "She's running a fever." Poppy said. "High or low?" Branch asked. "It's kinda high. I think she should stay home today." Poppy said. Branch nodded. "Good idea. I'll call her in sick." Branch said. He left to make a phone call to the school. "(Y/n) you should go back to bed." Poppy said. "But I'm not tried." You said. "I know. You don't have to sleep, but you should be in bed. Here. I'll carry you back." Poppy said. She grabbed you and carried you back to your bedroom. "I need to go do some things. Just come find me or dad if you need something. Okay?" Poppy asked. You nodded. You then quickly fell asleep and slept for most of the day. A week went by, and you felt as if you were only getting worse. Poppy and Branch were getting worried about you. "I think we should take her to the doctor." Branch said. "Her illness isn't getting any better." He said. Poppy nodded. "Okay. I'll take her tomorrow." She said. The next morning, Poppy gently opened your door. "(Y/n)?" She asked. You groaned and tried to go back to sleep. "I know you don't feel well but you really need to see a doctor." Poppy said. You jolted out of bed. "NO! I can't go to the doctor! Doctors are scary!" You said. Poppy sighed. "I know but they're the only way to get better. You'd rather go to the doctor then be sick forever, right?" Poppy asked. You sighed. Poppy walked over and hugged you. "It's okay, (Y/n). It'll be okay." She said. You only nodded. That afternoon you and Poppy went to the doctor. "Hi, (Y/n). I'm doctor Jennifer. I'm going to help you find out what's wrong with you, okay?" She asked. You nodded. With some help from Poppy, the doctor finally understood what was wrong with you. "Queen Poppy, I'm sorry but it sounds like your daughter has Troll Fever." She said. "Oh." Poppy said. "But that isn't an illness that can't be healed. She just needs to take some medicine." The doctor said. Your eyes went wide in horror. "Medicine?" You asked. "I'm afraid so." Poppy said. The doctor told Poppy what medicine you needed. After the appointment she went to pick it up. "Now, (Y/n), I know it may not taste the best but you need to take it, okay?" Poppy asked. You shook your head. "I don't want to!" You said. "But you do want to get better, right?" Branch asked. You nodded. "Then you should take it." Branch said. "No!" You said. Branch groaned. "Don't worry, Branch. I have an idea." Poppy said. Poppy put candy over the medicine so you couldn't see it. "You want some candy, (Y/n)?" She asked. You smiled and nodded. "Here." Poppy gave you a handful of candy. You ate it quickly. You didn't even know Poppy had hid the medicine inside. Poppy smirked. "Good thinking." Branch said. That's how Poppy gave you the medicine each day that week. By the next week, you were feeling almost normal again. "Hi mom!" You said as you walked into the kitchen. "Morning, (Y/n). How are you feeling?" She asked. "Much better!" You said. "Great! Think you can go to school today?" Poppy asked. You nodded and sat down as Poppy gave you breakfast. "Good morning, Poppy." Branch said as he walked in. "Morning, Branch." She said. "Hey, (Y/n). How are you feeling?" Branch asked. "Great!" You smiled. "I'm glad." Branch said.

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